One Last Dance--Stark!Reader and Peter

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Warnings: Character death and illness

Pairing: Stark!Reader x Peter (Reader has power of being average at anything)

When your best friend is dying, it feels like you are too. Every cough, every stumble, every grimace of pain takes a small part of your heart until you're sure that you have nothing to give. But what hurt the most was knowing how much closer Y/N and I had become in these past couple months. Our friendship had grown so much just by having the knowledge that she was going to die earlier than the rest of us.

Despite knowing she was dying, it was the best time of our life. Y/N had created a bucket list, and we had seen to it that it would be filled. She'd been reluctant to show it, but on a bad day, she had listed it to me from memory and handed me the paper.

Y/N's Bucket List--

-Prank call Dad

-Prank call Thor

-Try and wield Mjölnir

-Ace a test despite my powers

-Win a dance fight against Quill

-Go to Europe

-Learn to speak Groot

-First kiss (I'm not that desperate) Imagine this one is crossed out.

-Throw a party

-Not die

We had gone to my house and called her dad's number. We pretended to be a grandma yelling at him about letting Timmy fall down the well. Y/N had stolen one of his suits to change our voices. It had been so much fun, and I hadn't been able to keep a straight face. We had dissolved into laughter. The call had ended with Y/N having a coughing fit. I had to carry back to the tower for her to take medicine.

For the second item on the list, we'd called Thor. We had even gotten Loki in on it. It had been an unlikely friendship between Loki and Y/N. When he was in captivity, she collapsed, and he saved her. He was ready to help with the bucket list. We'd called Thor, and Loki was supposed to change into a lady flirting with him while we pretended to be a fling. The result was hilarious, but once again, Y/N had collapsed. I only wished that she could have enjoyed it wholeheartedly.

To get Mjölnir, we had to ask Thor and explain everything. He'd been very happy to provide it. He had set it on the table. Y/N had asked to be alone. We'd left the room and had heard her shout of delight as she came out holding it. But her grin had soon turned to pain as she pressed a hand to her chest. I caught her as she fell, and Thor took the hammer.

We had studied so hard together. It was for chemistry because that was her worst class and my best. There were many nights where she had to learn with her breathing mask on and the thing running loudly in the background. We studied for weeks until she had everything memorized. When she came to me after the class with an A+ at the top of her paper, we had both fangirled about it. She had to get homeschooled soon after that because her immune system couldn't handle the virus and the school's germs.

I had to ask Gamora for the chance to have a dance fight. She had been confused until I explained everything. She had said that of course she would. Quill and Y/N had danced to "Blitzkrieg Bop," and we had declared it close, with a win to Y/N. If only she hadn't stumbled and fell, she could have enjoyed it more.

It had been easy to get a trip to Europe. Her dad was a billionaire after all. It had been just the two of us. We went to London, Paris, Athens, Barcelona, and Rome. We just got to play the tourist with no hero stuff. But the trip had to be cut short because she had to go to the hospital.

I asked Rocket to teach her to speak Groot. They had sat for a day as she learned and so did I. By the end of the day, she was understanding and translating. So was I. Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to say much because she ended up unable to talk from being so out of breath.

It had taken me a while to figure what the scribbled out bullet was. I hadn't wanted to ask because it was crossed out for a reason. It had taken a while, but I'd finally been able to decipher it. My eyes had widened when I'd read it. I hadn't known what to do, so I ignored it, hoping I could still do it before it was too late.

We'd spent so long on planning that party. It was going to be perfect. The Avengers would be invited with the Guardians and a few friends. She had to have tubes in her nose to breath now, and she totted around a small oxygen tank strapped to her back. But when I saw her in that dress, her hair all done up nice, I felt like I couldn't breathe. She was so beautiful. I asked her dance. She said yes. I loved the feeling of holding her in my arms. Her body was warm against mine as we slow danced. Other couples paused in their dancing to let us through, forming a ring around us. The smile on her face was enough to wipe away my fears for that second. It was just us.

After that dance, we had gone to the balcony, just the two of us. I had hugged her and told her I was so proud of her. She leaned in to kiss me, but I paused her. I had pulled on my web-shooters and hung from the above balcony. She had laughed as I pulled her in.

But we were never able to complete her bucket list. She had added the impossible. We had tried so hard to come up with a cure.

I held her hand as she laid in the hospital, listening to her labored breaths. She would squeeze my hand when it became unbearable. We were both crying. I didn't want her to go. It should have been me. Before she went, she said she was so thankful. And that she loved me. I replied the same. We grinned.

The beeping of the heart monitor became a shriek as it flatlined. Pepper screamed with such anguish. No mom should have to watch their child die. Tears flowed down Tony's face. I just bowed my head in defeat, reaching up and closing her eyes.

"No," I whispered. "We were supposed to be best friends forever. We were going to go to prom together. We were supposed to get married and have three dogs, remember? We were going to adopt kids. We were going to laugh and be happy. We were supposed to grow old together and die in each other's arms. It wasn't supposed to be this way!" My voice rose in a crescendo of loss and pain. "We were going to be superhero partners, Y/N! We were going to watch out for the little people. We were going to teach our kids to be superheroes and always be kind. We were going to show them all the Star Wars movies and let them argue over how good the prequels were. We were going to sort them into their Hogwarts houses. We were going to let them believe in magic. Remember?" Tears rolled down my cheeks as she laid unresponsive.

"Peter," Tony said, holding me close. "She's gone."

"No!" I screamed. I looked at her. "We were going to buy a house in the country because she didn't like the city. We were going to have dogs because she hated cats. We were going to name our kids after all of you. You guys were supposed to be godparents. You guys were going to be there when we couldn't so they'd never be alone. We'd give them everything." I brought her body close to mine. I was sobbing for the life we were supposed to have. For the kids we'd never raise together. For the love that wouldn't ever happen. For the perfect life we wanted. "We were supposed to do everything together, Y/N. But I guess that wasn't what was supposed to happen. At least you're happy, right?" I laid her back down. "Rest now. I'll see you soon." I let go of her hand and buried my head in Tony's jacket. Pepper came too. And we cried for the person we'd lost. For the person we'd do anything for. For the person we couldn't save. For our Y/N.

Sorry this one is shorter than the others. I like it, I guess, but it could be better. However, I was in a bit of a hurry today. Thanks for reading anyway, and have a wonderful day!

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