Beautiful Views--Pepper and Peter

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Warnings: Suicidal ideation, language

I also want to clear something up: in this oneshot, the names 'Miss Potts,' 'Missus Potts,' and 'Mister Potts' are used. Miss Potts refers to Pepper, and the others refer to her parents.

Pairings: Tony x Pepper (a little bit)

Peter's P.O.V.

Across the sky,

Clouds are splayed,

Napping and resting

From a tiring day.

On the leaves,

Droplets land,

Finding perches and peace

On the wooden hands.

Mountains rising

Valleys falling

Like an ancient being breathing

Offering hospitality across its breast

Rivers and streams

Are tears she did cry,

For the world she has given

And the little in return.

Oceans are her eyes,

With waves of tears rolling.


Hurricanes form in the blink of her eyes.

Her eyes are closed to transform the night.

Oh, beautiful views,

Dancing in the sky,

Living in the oceans

And weaving through the rye.

Oh, beautiful views,

Take me home

Craft me a place

And take me home.

Ink splatters across the page as the pen falls from my hand, landing in between the lines like a perfectly placed metaphor in a tale. I glance at my fingers and see the swirls of ink, left behind from careless doodles. My words are crafted of swirls and bends, carved out of a thoughtfulness that I normally don't have. Something's wrong inside of me, and I know it. Something has broken inside of me for it to do this.

I look up, marveling at the mountains that rise so high in front of me, cloaked in trees and homes. Branches reach out like hands to grab an unaware traveler. Roads encircle the large hills like bonds of a captor. Clouds form images like a movie for their superiors.

In valleys I see trees stretching tall, rivers snaking like veins throughout. Boats ferry people from side to the other, pushing against rushing currents to deliver their cargo. Animals scamper about, choosing paths on which to hunt.

It's beautiful here. Mister Stark invited me to come to Tennessee with him and Miss Potts because this is where her family lives. Other than Germany and Washington D.C., I haven't been many places.

Miss Potts' family has a big cabin, and that's where we're staying. I get my own guest room, but when I got bored there, I came here. I'm leaning up against a tree, and the air is still. It's nice to be just me and nature, however, the time to think is not appreciated.

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