Chapter 13

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i walked into the dorm building excited to see kacchan. i saw him as soon as i walked in, under kirishima. my heart heart was broken. "you're a fucking asshole. we're over." i yelled and ran up to my dorm and slammed my door. i cried for about 10 minutes before i heard a knock at the door. "go the fuck away kacchan" i yelled. "midoriya are you okay?" i hear someone say. "todoroki?" i ask. "yes midoriya. can i come in?" he says. "s-sure" i say getting up off my bed, wiping the tears off my face with my hands, and got up and opened the door. he walked in and hugged me. it really shocked me to be honest i was really shocked, but i hugged back. it was the best hug i've ever had to be honest i thought it would be awkward but it was just extremely comforting. "what happened?" todo asked. i explained to him everything that happened while i was at the conversion camp and about my mom and about bakugo and kirishima. all he could think so say was that he was sorry and he hugged me again and it was enough to make me breakdown again. he just held me while i cried for well over an hour. he just hugged me and comforted me and told me everything was going to be okay. i had never felt so safe in my entire life. he ended up staying the night and we cuddled which was shocking bc we were barely friends and also it was todoroki.

i woke up before him and decided to make us breakfast so i went down to the kitchen and made us pancakes and scrambled eggs and bacon. bakugo came down stairs in a fucking red riot hoodie and just sat down at the counter staring at me for like 5 minutes. "who's all that for?" he asked. "me and todoroki." i replied trying to keep things brief. "since when do you guys hang out? and who's shirt is that?" he asked. oh shit i guess i accidentally put his on when i got up instead of mine. "i dunno." i said scooping all the food into a plate and trying to walk away. he grabbed my wrist. "izuku im sorry" he said. "shut up" i said. he says, "i mean it im sorry i shouldn't have kissed him." "i don't want an apology it's not gonna work. i was gone for two weeks locked up in a room with some girl being abused and beaten and starved and forced to change something i can't control hoping i could just get back to you and you were off fucking your best friend. i wanted to die so bad but i was like 'it's gonna be okay i will get back to bakugo one day' and then i get back and she that bullshit. i'm so fucking done. i should have believed everyone else when they told me you were a bad person." i yelled. he didn't say anything. he just let go of my wrist and i walked away.
i walked into the dorm and put all the food on my desk. i looked over at todoroki. he looked so cute asleep. i sat down on the bed next to him and leaned down to move a strand of hair out of his face. he smelt like a cold arctic wind and a warm campfire all at once. he fascinated me. he was perfect. he stirred and groaned in his sleep. "todoo" i whispered trying to wake him up. i shook him lightly and his beautiful eyes fluttered open. "midoriya?" he mumbled. "good morning sleepy head. i made breakfast." "oooh it smells good." he said sitting up in the bed. i stood up and got the breakfast and brought it to him. he took a piece of bacon off and took a bite. "this is so good. i didnt know you could cook." he says. "aww thanks todo!" i say cheerfully. i was  he liked it considering i had to talk to bakugo in the process. "im not eating all of this by myself." he says and i grab a fork and dig in too. a few hours went by and we decided to watch a movie. we ended up picking the conjuring however i was very reluctant. i hated scary movies. todoroki kept teasing me whenever a jump scare would happen and i would jump. it started to get really scary. i grabbed his hand and scooted into his body. he laid his head on mine and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer and practically holding me like a baby. i screamed and grabbed me and looked at me in the eyes. "midoriya, it's okay. it's just a movie" he said.  he held my face and pulled me closer and then, he kissed me.

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