chapter 3

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Izuku's POV~
"Broooo!Why are you running away? What happened?" Mina yelled knowing she couldn't go back there. (Bc it's the boys locker room and she wasn't supposed to be in there so she definitely couldn't go into the shower area) I didn't say anything and kept running.
Bakugou's POV-
     I can't believe I just did that. I fucking kissed Deku. Deku. That worthless piece of shit. I hate him. So why the fuck do I love him?? What is wrong with me?? And why did he kiss back?? Does he love me back?? No. I'm just overthinking like always. Damn Katsuki get it together. Nasty bitch. How dare you love Deku!! The kiss though. It was so passionate. I could feel love and emotions being poured into it. Have I been bullying him still this time because I love him? I mean... I act like I'm trying to kill him. But I would never actually kill him. Ugh this is too much. I'll think about it in bed tonight. I need to take a shower but stupid fucking Deku is in there and I won't be able to control myself if I go in there now. I'll have to wait.
     I went back to my dorm and sat in my desk chair and got out my phone. I looked at it and I was immediately mad. I had like 10 damn messages. And it was all just Mina, Kaminari, and Kirishima asking me what happened in the fucking locker. Why the fuck would I even tell them? They're not my friends. I don't even have friends. They're a waste of time. It does get kinda lonely sometimes though. Oh well.
I just left Mina and Kaminari on read and told Shitty hair to back off and I wouldn't tell him if my fucking life depended on it. Kirishima is not my friend but he's not as bad so I at least gave him a response. Then I just scrolled through Instagram for a while until I heard stupid fucking Deku enter his dorm. I grabbed my clothes and walked out of my dorm.
      I was walking to the showers when I saw shitty hair standing on the side of the hallway on his phone I hope he didn't see me and walked past him at the speed of gay. Unfortunately, that nerd saw me. "Hey bakugo" I heard him say and I walked faster and my gay panic started coming in. I knew he was gonna ask me about fucking deku. What was I supposed to say??? Oh yeah it was nothing we just made out. "Bakugo?" He said louder following me. If I didn't stop or say something Deku was gonna hear him and I was not ready to face him yet. I stopped dead in my tracks but didn't turn around. He walked up to me and said "hey bakugo, you okay?" "Yes you fucking nerd. I'm great. Leave me alone please. I started walking again but he followed. I stopped again. "What the hell do you want?" I asked trying not to raise my voice because I didn't want anyone to hear. "What happened with Midoriya? You've been acting weird since we pushed you guys in there together. Did something happen? Something, sexual maybe?" That's when I lost it "Oh hell no!" I started yelling, "Why the fuck would I have sex with fucking Deku in a locker? Why would I even have sex with Deku at all? Oh my god will you please just leave me alone I need to take a fucking shower!" And the fucking Deku came out of his room. I literally ran so fucking fast. We're my feet even touching the damn ground? I'm not sure. I made it to the showers and took my clothes off as fast I could. I was about to get in the shower and stupid. fucking. Deku. had. to. walk. in. We both blushed a lot but that didn't stop him from talking "K-Ka-Kacchan we need to talk about what happened earlier." He said, his voice raised slightly because the water was already going. "Yeah we do okay? Not right now." I said, surprising my self that I actually said a sentence to him without being a total ass or cussing. I got into the shower and I heard him walk away. I just let out a big sigh and sat back in the shower. "Shit!" I yelled and then sat down in the shower, hugging my knees and putting my head into my arms. I started sobbing, fucking sobbing. And I didn't even know why. I'm guessing Kirishima heard me yell and rushed in there figuring I killed Deku or something. He heard me crying. I tried to stop but I couldn't. "Shit shit shit shit" I said under my breath trying to get myself to stop. "Bakugo?" Kirishima said trying to find me. I didn't say anything. "Bakugo? You here?" "W-what do you want?" I asked accidentally stuttering and making my voice crack. I felt pathetic and sobbed even harder. And then shitty hair straight up pulled back the shower curtain. I mean he couldn't really see much bc I was curled in a ball but still. No. And then he did something that really fucking shocked me. He didn't say anything. He just got in the shower. Fully clothed. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. He didn't say anything. And I just sobbed. Maybe having friends couldn't be all bad...just one? Not more. Just Shitty hair. Maybe.

~938 words~

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