chapter 10

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Midoriya's POV:
I was worried about myself for obvious reasons, and bakugo, I didn't know why I was worried. I mean I knew us being separated isn't going to be easy for either for us, but I was worried for a different reason. I didn't understand it but my anxiety was starting to creep in and get the best of me.

Hi this is the author I just wanted to say I've never been sent to conversion camp or therapy or anything and don't really understand the pain of not being accepted by parents bc my mom accepts me, therefore, most of the next few chapters will be based on things my great gramma has said or told me about when she used to give conversion therapy. Ummm yeah that's all I had to say sorry if some of the things I say don't make sense.

TW: This chapter contains homophobia and violence that can be triggering to some readers. Proceed with caution.

Midoriya's POV:
After lunch, a lady, who I later found out was named Ms. Mary, told me to follow her. She asked me to sit down in a small couch in her office. "Welcome to therapy. Don't worry we're going to fix you." she said and I knew right away I was in trouble.

The whole time she was talking about being gay like it was a choice. Like you try it once and get addicted. She treated it like I had a disorder or drug addiction. She asked me if I still liked girls. I told her how I used to Uraraka but now I was dating Bakugo and that I was happy. She told me I needed to break up with him and experiment with girls. I said I would never do that to him. I loved him too much. I started sobbing and she grabbed me and threw me onto the ground. She started kicking me before I could get up. After about five minutes
I had lost a lot of blood and she stopped. She yelled at me to get up. I slowly did what i was told. She walked me to the nurses office with her fists still balled up from anger. She didn't say anything though.

When we got there she whispered something to the nurse. The nurse smiled and Ms. Mary left. The nurse introduced herself, saying that her name was Mrs. Ward and she was going to take good care of me. I was very suspicious at first because she had this look in her eyes that really creeped me out. She bandaged me up gave me an ice pack and told me to stay where i was with it on my head until she came back. I again did as I was told, too weak mentally or physically to speak or move.

When she came back she was with a man. They both walked in there and she immediately said "do it." to him. Before i could process anything, he said "You will listen" and started at me in the eyes. Everything went black.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry it took me so long to update, I'm just in a small dark place right now but i will work as hard as i can to keep updating. i know i dont have many views but i really appreciate the ones i have so thank you. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger and if i triggered anyone.

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