chapter 2

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Izuku's POV~
     I looked back over at Kacchan and he wasn't shaking as bad but still seemed kinda freaked out. While I was looking at him he looked up and we made eye contact. Usually, he would have at least glared at me, but at that moment, he didn't. He just looked into my eyes. And I looked back.
     It had been a good 10 seconds. We hadn't even moved. We were just staring into each other's eyes. He was blushing, and I could feel me blushing too. My whole face was burning. We kept staring. His eyes were full of love. Which made me feel insane.
     All these years trying to kill me, telling me I'm worthless, that I deserve to die, and called me deku. And what? Now he's looking at me like he loves me. And am I looking at him the same way? I think I am.
     Our faces started to get closer than before. And closer. And closer. I could feel his breath. It sent a hint of pleasure down my spine and I did it. I leaned in and I kissed him. And he kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him in closer. We were full on making out now. The kiss was so intense. There was so much passion and love being poured into it by both of us. It was getting deeper and deeper. I should have been worried about what my mom would say. But instead, all I cared about was Kacchan.
     But soon that moment ended when we heard Mina yell "Oh my god Bakugo is gonna kill him!"
I guess Kirishima and Kaminari told her what they did. We pulled away looking back into each other's eyes. I loved that boy. I really did. Poop. I needed to focus on being the number one heroooo. I didn't have time for this. But I kept staring into his eyes, and I knew there was no fixing this. I was in too deep. We could hear Mina running towards us yelling something inaudiable. We didn't look away. She opened the locker door expecting to find my dead body or guts everywhere (sorry that's kinda gory ew) but she just found us staring into each other's eyes.
     "Guys? You okay? Deku how are you still alive?" We said nothing "What's happening? What are you doing?" Shoot (sorry mom) we were still staring into each other's eyes. I blushed and looked away and he looked away too. I got out of the locker trying not to push him. I was all red and pretty sweaty and so was Kacchan. He was just standing there. Still in the locker. Mina was just standing there waiting for him to get out but he didn't.
"What's going on? Did you guys like make out in there or something?" She asked jokingly. Kacchan's face went straight into panic. He jumped out of the locker, grabbed his shirt, and put it on as he ran out. I was still just standing a few feet away from the locker trying to comprehend what just happened.
Mina looked over to me and said "Wait...did you actually...?" And I started to panic. "What? Nooo...What? Why would you even ask that? Hahahahaha what?" I said rambling on waiting for Mina to stop me. She didn't, so I stopped myself and just looked down trying not to hyperventilate. She just looked at me trying to figure out if I was hiding something or if I was straight up lying. I turned around before she could say anything. I grabbed my clothes and ran towards the showers. "Broooo!Why are you running away? What happened?" Mina yelled knowing she couldn't go back there. (Bc it's the boys locker room and she wasn't supposed to be in there so she definitely couldn't go into the shower area) I didn't say anything and kept running.

~666 words~

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