chapter 7

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Izuku's POV~
I tried to speak but my voice cracked I said "he-eEeeEey." Kacchan scoffed and turned around to look at me. He laid down next to me snuggling me and closed him eyes. I felt safe. I thought whatever was going to happen we would get through it. And damn was I wrong.

Also before starting I just wanted to say sorry again for such a short chapter last week and for the cliff hanger okay I'll stop talking now tehe

Bakugo's POV~
Me and Deku eventually went to our dorms and went to sleep. Or at least I'm hoping he did. I was up all night. I was scared. What did Deku's mom mean when she said "you're going away"?!? Was she going to take my baby away from be? After I just got him? I don't understand her. It's obvious her and my mom have something going on. She's a fucking asshole. It was about 7am when I finally dozed off, but then fucking deku woke me up by banging on my door!
I was annoyed at first but then I realized I should be worried. What if his mom said something? What if she was disowning him? Or sending him away? Deku was still banging on the door and yelling Kacchan. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. I opened it and froze. It was going to be bad news. No doubt. His face was bright read and tears were streaming down his cheeks. He just ran up to me and hugged me, putting his face into my chest. His whole face was wet and he was still sobbing. I was terrified.
I honestly don't know why but for some reason I didn't call him deku in that moment. The only thing I could muster out was "I-I-Izuku?" He took his face off my chest, us still holding each other, and looked into my eyes. "It's my mom." He said as both tears and terror formed into my eyes. "She's sending me away Kacchan! She's sending me away! To a conversion boarding school!" He said breaking me into pieces. I pulled him back into a hug, holding him tight so he wouldn't see me crying.
I hadn't cried in a long time, since I was a baby. I tried to stop but I couldn't. My tears fell onto his back. Well shit he was gonna know I was crying. Then my useless knees gave out and I fell to the ground and he just went down with me. Now we, two pretty much grown men, were sitting in my floor, clinging onto each other, and sobbing. I wasn't embarrassed at the time but now it's hard for me to even talk about that. "W-when d-do y-y-ou leave?" I asked, not letting go and sounding absolutely ridiculous. "In a few hours" he said squeezing me even harder.
We sat in each other's arms in my floor for what felt like days crying and then decided it was time to get up and pack. We didn't say anything. We were silent the rest of the day. We didn't feel like talking nor did we know what to say. We just enjoyed each other's presence while we had it and I know that's something they say in like fairy tails and I sound like a fucking nerd but it's true. We had class, but we didn't go. Aizawa sensai eventually came by deku's room to see why we weren't in class.
"Why weren't you boys in class? What are you doing?" He asked in his depressing tone as always (unless he was with prez mike tehee). We still had tears streaming down our face, but it wasn't as bad now. "M-my mom is s-sending me t-to a con-conversion school." Deku said making me start to cry more. And then something really weird happened. He started showing actual emotion on his face. And with that look I knew why. That look was trauma. Trust me I knew it well. My dad left me and my mom a few years ago but we're not gonna go into that.
     All of a sudden he grabbed a pen and one of those little notebook pad things and started making a list on it. I didn't know what the fucker was doing so I just started putting deku's socks in his suitcase. He ripped off the piece of paper he wrote on and gave it to him. "Here's some tips and things like that to help you stay alive there, and my email is at the bottom of the page Incase you have any questions or need any advice." He said speaking like a functioning human being.
     I was honestly really thankful. I was really worried about deku and the only way I knew how to help him was to help him pack. "Thank you." He said trying to smile at him even though it looked completely fake. He folded it in half and stuck it in the side pocket of his suitcase. Sensai left and we finished packing. We crawled up into his bed and cuddled for about 20 minutes until Aizawa sensai told us it was time for him to go. He looked over at me in disbelief. Neither of us believed what was happening. I wasn't going to see him for a long time. I loved him.
     He kissed me slowly and then got up off of me and out of his bed. I got out too and we grabbed his bags. Tear started to fall again as we walked down the stairs. We entered the living area to see our classmates, Aizawa sensai, and some lady we assumed was there to take deku away. We set down his stuff and hugged one more time. I could feel that lady glaring into my souls but I didn't give a fuck. I tried to pick up the stuff I was holding again and the lady took it out of my hands. He grabbed his stuff. Deku waved goodbye to everyone not feeling like talking. And then, he left.

~1033 words~

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