chapter 5

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Kirishima's POV~
I walked over to the lockers and just took out some spare clothes I had in there. I put them on and walked back into the shower area and bakugo was brushing his teeth. The poor tooth brush. And poor teeth. He was doing it so hard and fast (thats what she said uwu). Maybe he was planning on making out with Midoriya again and didn't want his breath to be stanky. He finished and said "Well I'm gonna go tell deku how I feel I guess." "Okay let me know what happens" I replied and he left.
Bakugo's POV~
Well shit I was on the way to stupid fucking Deku's room. I was scared, so that's fucking fun. I had no damn idea what I'm going to say. I'd just figure it out. I was almost there. I was almost there. I was almost fucking there. Shit. I got there. I knocked on the door. He opened the door and my anxiety went "📈". I took a deep breath in.
"Okay, listen Deku. Today in that locker was really weird and confusing, but I think it meant something." I said. What was I saying? Was I trying to date him? "I think the reason I have been treating you like shit this whole time is because...I love you." I continued. What the actual fuck was I saying? "Hey Kacchan" he said quietly. Usually I would have told him not to fucking call me that but instead I just said "yeah?" looking down at him into his eyes. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me in kissing me. I kissed back. We were in the middle of his doorway. I should have been worried someone would see. But I wasn't. All I cared about was Deku.
He slowly stepped back taking me into his dorm. We laid in his bed cuddling for a while and I asked him to be my boyfriend. Then we heard a knock on the door. Deku opened the door. It was stupid half and half. Of course HE's ruining the moment. "Hey todoroki" deku said smiling. "Hey midoriya. I just wanted to let you know that someone got a picture of you two making out in the hallway and now it's going around the whole school." He said and then pulled out his phone showing us the picture.
Deku closed the door and then all of a sudden fear flooded through his eyes. "What if my mom finds out?" He said shaking. He started crying. "Hey hey we will figure this out okay?" I said bringing him into a hug. Don't judge me. I was just trying to comfort him. I can do that. He hugged me back. He stopped crying after about 10 minutes and we stood there for about 30 minutes just holding each other.
I let go and said "I should get going back to my dorm. Kirishima is probably there waiting for me to tell him some things." "Okay" he said softly. I started walking out and he said "and Kacchan?" I stopped and turned around. "Thank you" he said. I nodded and smiled and then walked out slowly closing the door behind me. I walked down the hall to my dorm. I wasn't surprised when I saw Kirishima sitting in front of the door half asleep. "Hey" I said making sure he knew I was there. "Oh hey man! How did it go?" He asked excitedly. I got out my key and unlocked my dorm. He stood up and we walked in. He threw his body down on my bed and I sat in my chair backwards. And spun it around. "Soooo did you guys kiss?" He asked like it was just some casual thing to say.
I chocked on nothing and he started laughing. When I stopped choking I looked up at him and he was still looking at me waiting for me to respond. This dude was serious, but he's right honestly. What would have happened if half and half hadn't interrupted?
"Almost." I said. "And then fucking half and half had to come knocking at the door." "Damn really? Okay tell me what happened. And in details." He said sounding like a fucking 13 year old girl. I told him, he fangirled for a while, fangirled some more, and then left. I went to sleep that night thinking about the fact I was now dating my childhood friend. I was also worried about that picture.

~848 words~

Author's notes:
Hi umm I usually don't do these but imma be with my homophobic great gramma for about a week so I won't be able to write in front of her. I'll try to post everyday but idk we'll see. If I get to they will probably be shorter. Also I am honestly disgusted with myself that I wrote this chapter and this fanfic will be ending soon so yeah! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the ones before and I hope you will enjoy the ones in the future! :)

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