chapter 8

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Bakugo POV~
Tear started to fall again as we walked down the stairs. We entered the living area to see our classmates, Aizawa sensai, and some lady we assumed was there to take deku away. We set down his stuff and hugged one more time. I could feel that lady glaring into my souls but I didn't give a fuck. I tried to pick up the stuff I was holding again and the lady took it out of my hands. He grabbed his stuff. Deku waved goodbye to everyone not feeling like talking. And then, he left.

Todoroki's POV~
     As I saw Midoriya walk out of that door, I broke even more, which I thought was impossible. I had always thought very highly of him. I would catch myself calling him cute or complimenting his abilities, but I just thought I was jealous of him, or I wanted to be him. Over time, I started to realize that wasn't the case. I was in love with him. I mean I still am today but let's not get into that just yet.
     When I realized I was in love with him I tried to get closer to him. I tried and I tried, but it wasn't working.  He kept getting closer with uraraka and Iida. Iida wasn't really a problem bc I knew Mydoria didn't see him in a romantic way, but uraraku on the other hand, was a threat. I kept thinking one of these days they were going to get together. But it never happened. It turns out it was Bakugo I needed to be worried about the whole time.
     I was sitting in my dorm about to go to sleep when I got a text in the class 1-A groupchat. It was a picture of Midoriya and Bakugo making out in a doorway. I immediately threw my phone across my room and burst into tears. I was broken. I got myself to stop crying after 5 minutes and went over to midoriya's room to let him know the picture was going around the school. Bakugo was there of course so I left after telling him. I went back to my dorm, got in bed and laid there until about 5am. I got up and got ready and went downstairs. My classmates were down there talking. I heard something about midoriya and bakugo and then they walked in. They ended up telling us they were together which hurt but I already knew they weren't just friends. There was no way. Then midoriya got a text on his phone and fainted. Bakugo took him to the nurse and turns out he was getting sent to a conversion camp because his mom saw the picture. I thought she had a thing going on with bakugos mom but I guess not. I didn't know when I was going to see Midoriya again but it wasn't going to be easy not seeing his face everyday.

POV~ Midoriya
I had just arrived at the conversion camp and was taken to my dorm to unpack. On the way there I didn't see anything that really scared me. The place didn't seem that bad besides the fact there were crosses all over the walls, I heard a kid scream/crying, and the lady taking me to my dorm was giving me really dirty looks every 10 seconds.
When I got to my dorm I was kinda shocked by the fact we were at a conversion camp, yet we were literally sharing dorms with the same gender. There were three beds in a dorm and one closet. There were two chests that were falling apart. There was a single light bulb in the ceiling that flickered off and on. The walls had wallpaper on them that was peeling off. The hallway looked in tact but the dorms looked like they had been abandoned one hundred years ago. The beds were made of wood. They didn't have a bed frame and there wasn't even a box spring. There was a mattress about 4 inches thick and a thin sheet to use as a blanket. There was no pillow. I was told to unpack and get to know my dorm mates before lunch would be served. I nodded and placed my suitcase on my bed.
     I started to unpack and two boys I was roomed with were sitting on their beds facing each other talking. I unpacked my bag and put my clothes in the chest of drawers. I left everything else in my bag, including a picture of Kacchan I had printed off that I snuck into my suitcase while he wasn't looking, and zipped it up and put it under my bed. I sat on my bed and the other boys faced me. They seemed pretty chill for the most part. They were in what looked like hospital gowns, which I didn't understand why because it was supposedly like a school and there were chests of drawers to put clothes. They had white socks on and their hair was tied in a small bun to keep their hair out of their eyes.
     "My name is Adrien. I'm fifteen years old. I'm from Tokyo. I got sent here last month. This is Jaden. He's sixteen. He's kinda shy but once he warms up to you he's really nice. He's from Kyoto. He was sent her two weeks ago so he's still relatively new here, but don't worry. A lot of people are only here for a week or two. No need to panic." One of the boys said. It was a lot to take in but I got there. I didn't say anything though before he started talking again. "Oh! We should get going to lunch! Wanna sit with us?" Adrien asked. "Yes. s-sure. Of course!" I said excitedly and we walked to the cafeteria. If only I knew the trauma I was about to have to go though.

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