十九 (Nineteen)

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I don't know if it's just me, but Koan gives off like teddy-bear-killer vibes. 🧸🔪🧸🔪

You know what I mean?

Like he has a cute and innocent feel about him, but could easily f*ck you up and not lose any sleep over it.



(Arielle's POV)

I had to park a block away from the restaurant and then I practically sprinted to it. The police, fire department, and paramedics were all there, along with camera crews and reporters.

I couldn't go past the yellow tape, so all I could do was look around from afar. The front windows of the restaurant were gone, glass covering the sidewalk. I could see blood on the ground leading out of the front door and some over the windowsill. I spotted tarps and bags on the floor of the dinning room covering those deceased.

I frantically looked around, trying my best to find any of them. I didn't though. I didn't find a single one of them.

I did, however, see my father walk inside the restaurant with my brother. They'd gotten the case, I was sure of it. If it even smelled of a Yakuza-related incident, they'd be all over it.

About to head back to my car and drive to their house, a hand landed on my shoulder. Spinning around, I found myself face-to-face with Renzo.

The people around us were paying such close attention to what was happening beyond the yellow tape that they didn't notice him. To me, he was hard not to notice considering he was covered a good bit in blood.

"Come with me." He said, grabbing my hand.

I followed him away from the restaurant, down an alley, and through the backdoor  of what appeared to be a clothing store.

"They sent me out to get Doc, but you'll do until he gets here." Renzo said, opening a door to reveal a set of stairs going down. "Go straight down and hang a left. Basically just follow the blood. I'm going to go wait for Doc."

He was back out the door we came in through before I could say a word. I hurried down the steps and followed the blood to a wide open room where everyone was gathered.

I swiftly scanned the room in search of him. I ignored the ones bleeding and the ones trying pull my their way to help and put all my focus on finding him.

I couldn't breathe until I saw him.

With tears burning at the back of my eyes, I found him off in a corner with Seiichi and Asuka. He didn't see me, but Seiichi did. Before he could warn or tell him, I was heading his way. He had just enough time to open his arms and catch me by the time he saw me.

I buried my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his calming and addictive scent ingrained in his skin and clothes.

"I'm okay." He assured me, one hand flexing on my bottom as he held me up and the other resting on the back of my head. "Just some cuts and bruises."

I squeezed myself tighter against him as a way to confirm that he was really okay. As long as I was plastered against him and he was breathing then he was okay. I was okay.

"Elle," Seiichi spoke softly. "We really need your help."

At that moment, for all I cared, everyone could've bled to death.

Playing with Fire (Book One of The Kazuya Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now