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I'm writing this A/N to say thank you.

It's gonna take a minute to get to the thank you part, so please keep reading.

A little over three months ago I had no idea I'd write this story.

I knew I wanted to write a character with CIP but didn't know who they'd be, how they'd find love, or anything else about them.

Then I watched a three second video and BOOM!

Koan was born.

I instantly grabbed my notebook that I keep all my stories and idea in and started writing. I spent over twelve hours researching names, CIP/CIPA, and mulling over a title.

Then I started writing the first chapter.

For all of my stories before Koan's, the chapters would reach 800-1,000 words on a good day.

Koan's was different.

With Koan's book, I couldn't stop writing.

Most of you may not know this, but a majority of the chapters in this book started out as one chapter, but I split them in half to make the book longer chapter wise.

Koan has become my most favorite character I've ever written. I love and treasure everything about him.

This caused me to have fear in publishing his book.

Most of you had read Ryu's books prior to Koan's and those books were my first Yakuza related books. Ryu's books were pretty action with blood and murder and everything else.

Due to Koan's condition and his family's protectiveness I couldn't make his book like that and that's what had me scared.

I was scared that you all would have this high expectation of blood, murder, and craziness and would be disappointed when you didn't get it in the first however many chapters. I was afraid you all would basically give up on him and quit reading because it wasn't what you expected.

What I didn't expect was how much love you all gave Koan. I didn't expect you all to love him almost as much as me.

Some of you loved him before he even said a word.

You loved him by this one sentence: "They were staring at me and playing with a lighter."

For that, I want to thank you.

Thank you for loving him.

Thank you for loving Elle.

Thank you for sticking with the book.

Thank you for loving his/their book.

Thank you for every comment and like. I live for you comments and I spend hours reading them.

This thank you may seem pointless to some, but all of my characters mean a lot to me. I'm always terrified that you all won't like them, so, when you do, I can't help but feel thankful towards all of you.

I felt that it was important for you all to know how thankful I am. Especially about this book.

Love you lots!!!

Till next time,


Playing with Fire (Book One of The Kazuya Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now