二十五 (Twenty-Five)

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Shorter than normal...


Hang in there...

Next update coming today or tomorrow, pinky promise...

Don't hate me...

(Arielle's POV)

"Coffee? Water? A beer?"

"Water is fine." He said, walking around my apartment.

"What brings you here?"

"Can't I just drop by to check on my little sister?"

"You know, don't you?" I asked, handing him his water.

"Mom told me."

"Are you mad at me too?"

He stared at me for a second before answering.

"No, I'm not mad at you."


"Mom told me everything that you told her. She also told me what dad did. I'm mad at him for going that far and hitting you. I'm also...proud of you."

"Proud of me?"

"It's about damn time someone in this family rebelled and went to the dark side." He said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm serious." He said. "Think about it. Dad and I are with law enforcement. Mom works at a vet office and you're a nurse. We're a family of goody-two-shoes. Nothing real exciting ever happens to us."

"I guess you have a point." I grinned.

"I know I do. Now tell me where is this Koan-Akinari?" He asked, looking around some more.

"With his brothers."

"He has four brothers, right?" He asked as we sat down on the couch.

I nodded. "He is the youngest."

"Mom told me about his CAP."

I chuckled. "CIP."

"Yeah. That. I did some research after she told me. That's honestly some scary f*cking stuff."

"It is. Do you know if mom told dad that I'm sorry?"

He sighed. "Honestly...dad isn't talking to mom right now either. He knows she came to see you and he knows that she technically has taken your side."

"He's such a stubborn man."

"Think about it though. He trusted you. He has been telling you about cases and confidential information for years because you find it all interesting and you like a good murder mystery. For years, you haven't said a thing about anything to anyone. Then he finds out that you not only gave away sensitive information about a federal investigation, but you also started dating someone from the same family that he's investigating. To him, that's a big betrayal. His little girl is, and I quote, sleeping with the dogs."

"That's what he said? That I'm sleeping with the dogs?"

"More or less."

"But I...I can't..."

He grabbed my hands in his and smiled. "I know, Elle. You love him and can't live without him even if it means betraying your own blood. I don't fault you for that."

"Why? Why aren't you angry? Why don't you fault me? Why aren't you mad that I'm sleeping with the dogs?"

"Like I said, it's about time one of us rebelled. I also hope that one day you will stand with me against mom and dad in regards to whom I love if they don't agree."

I smiled and nodded. "I got your back."

His phone started to ring and he had to go, but as we got to the door, he turned serious.

"I didn't just come to check on you though, Elle. I also came to warn you."

"Warn me?"

"The FBI got curious when dad pulled himself off of the investigation and they started digging. Before long, someone sent them the same pictures they sent dad. They know about you and the Kazuya's. They'll come after you to get to them."

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Just be you, Elle. Be smart. Be cautious. Call me if you need anything and I will try to help."

I nodded. "Thank you. For telling me."

"Next time I stop by, I expect to meet Koan. Can't fully stand with you against dad until I meet him and interrogate him at your big brother." He smiled, ruffling my hair as he walked out.

"Hey," I called, causing him to turn around.  "Whoever he is, I'm sure mom and dad will love him, but if they don't I'm still on your side."

He gave me smile and kept on walking.

I've known for a while that my brother's interest wasn't in women, but I never said anything. I love him regardless and will stand with him even if mom and dad disagree or disown him.

Koan got back a few hours later and instantly asked me what happened.

"How do you know something happened?" I asked.

"Gut feeling." He said, sitting beside me.

"My brother stopped by."


I gave him a smile and told him everything. He got tense when I told him about the FBI knowing about us.

"They'll use you to get to me to get to my family."

"I know." I said just as someone started knocking on the door.

We both tensed at that moment and I latched onto his hand.

"No matter what happens, I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said, kissing him.

He gave my hand a squeeze as we made our way to the door. The pounding continued right until we reached the door and then it stopped. He looked through the peephole, but saw no one.

My first thought was that someone maybe had the wrong apartment, but that thought was quickly erased from my mind when the door busted open and three large men came barreling in.

Before either of us could do anything, they grabbed us and everything went black.


Like I said, don't hate me...😬😬

Just remember...

Koan is my absolute favorite...🧸🥰

Till next time,

B. 😬🥴😘

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