chapter ten: protect the snake at all costs

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Ten year old Leo cried violently as he held the house phone up to his ear. The harsh sound of rain pelting against the roof of the house roared as well as the occasional claps of thunder.

"I need you stay on the phone, nephew, okay? Don't hang up. Everything's going to be okay" someone said through the phone.

The sound of glass shattering somewhere in the house scared the little boy, a cry escaping him along with his sister Rylee that cling to him closely.

"Please hurry, Uncle Vin" Leo sniffled.

"I'm coming for you guys, Bubs, don't worry! I'm coming as fast as I can. Everything's going to be okay, I promise! Im coming!"


"So, what happens after that? You just wake up?" Scott asked as we walked down the hallway to our school.

"Usually I just wake up and it takes me about half an hour to go back to sleep. Except this time, after I went back to sleep, I had the same exact dream all over again. It literally felt as if I was living it" I shuttered slightly as the vivid images replayed over and over again in my head.

Scott put his hand on my shoulder to stop us. "You told Stiles about this, right?"

The guilt must have been pretty obvious on me as Scott's eyes widened and he became panicky. "Stiles is going to kill both of us the second he finds out I knew before him! I thought you two were super close now?"

"I know, I know" I pouted disappointed in myself. "I tell him everything. I do! I didn't want to bother him with this because he's focused on more important matters rights now which is the kanima. Besides, you're right about Stiles and I becoming really close so that means you're now a close friend of mine by association" I explained in a hush whisper.

Scott really did have one of the biggest hearts. That much was clearly proven with all the saving he attempted to do. He wore his poor heart on his sleeve and let so many people run over him. I remember at the beginning of our freshman year I had gotten into one of my biggest fights with Jackson because I seen first hand the bully Jackson was capable of being. Nobody knew about the fight except for Lydia and Danny.

"You really know a way to a mans heart" Scott put a hand to his chest playfully.

"You got jokes. Right now?" I questioned at the laughing werewolf. "And yes I do know a way to a mans heart. Unfortunately, there's only a hormonal, uneven jawed teenage boy in front of me"

"I can see why Stiles has become friends with you" Scott shook his head.

I rolled my eyes and tapped my shoulder into his, indicating for us to walk into class already. Except, Scott was quick to put a firm hand on my chest haltering my movement. I didn't need to question why as I was seeing the same thing he was.

Isaac Lahey.

The arrogant dirty blonde werewolf was sitting in the middle of the classroom with a black leather jacket. Scott and I quickly glanced at each other before going to take our seats in the back of the classroom, with me sitting beside him. It would be dumb to discuss anything right since Isaac could hear every little thing especially since he sat right in front of me.

Footsteps running into the classroom caught my attention but my eyes stayed focused on the back of the new Beta.

"Dudes, I just talked to my dad, who just talked to Jackson, and I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad news" Stiles started explaining hurriedly and not so quietly, despite Scott's attempts to shut him up.

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