chapter twenty-five: war cry

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Leo's eye began to adjust to the dark that covered the entire field

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Leo's eye began to adjust to the dark that covered the entire field. Everybody had erupted into fearful screams of panic and decided to run creating a whole scene of chaos. And just like that, the once lighthearted moment they were having, turned into a matter of flight or fight mode.

"Rylee?" Leo called out, once he realized he had lost sight of her the second he paid attention to the game. This is what he was fearing. He knew this was going to happen. "Rylee?!" He screamed out.

He began running, the adrenaline masking the pain he felt from doing so and the constant shoves people were giving him. His heart began to sink when he couldn't find his sister and the worst started to come to mind right when someone grabbed his arm tightly to stop him from running anywhere else.

"I got her! Don't worry" Scott told him. Standing next to him was Rylee that looked relieved to see him also.

"Oh thank god" Leo mumbled as he pulled his sister into a hug. He released his grip on her when he let it sink in that she was safe now that she was with him and Scott near her.

"You good?" Leo asked Scott who nodded at him.


Scott's mom ran up to them out of no where hugging her son. When she let go, they could tell how truly worried she was for him. "Mom, are you okay?" Scott asked her as he held on to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. But somebody is hurt. Somebody is down on the field"

With those words, Leo's anxiety began to set in again. How many more problems could they handle? The lights to the field started to turn back on one by one and that's when they seen the little herd of people surrounding someone on the field and Coach yelling at them to back up.

Noticing it was someone in a burgundy jersey on the ground, Leo began to jog over until he was in a full sprint. The worst was coming to mind until he finally seen who was on the ground. He was able to exhale in relief that it wasn't Stiles but he was still worried about Jackson that laid unconscious on the ground.

"Jackson! Jackson, what's happening?" Lydia yelled running up to them and pushing people out of the way.

"Can we get a medic over here?" Coach called out.

Remembering the textbook information he read over the course of the summer, Leo dropped down to the ground to start a simple exam of the body. "Come on buddy, you can't go out like this" he whispered. Mama McCall slid down on the other side of the body, quickly putting an ear to Jackson's chest. While she did so, Leo put two fingers where he knew the carotid artery would be.

"He's not breathing" Melissa said after about ten seconds.

"There's no pulse" Leo told her as well.

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