chapter twenty: mind control

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^ Can we just admire this gif I was able to make?

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^ Can we just admire this gif I was able to make?


The make out session had gotten interrupted sooner than they had hoped. Probably a good thing considering Stiles was literally seconds away from taking Leo right then and there in the kitchen and strip them both down but a drag queen, no other than Miss Velvet herself, announced her presence into the mansion like home loudly.

With plump lips on both boys, they parted ways to go find Scott while Leo also went looking for Allison knowing she needed a friend as well tonight. So, here he was about fifteen minutes later still searching through the house to find the pale skinned huntress. The party earlier was nothing compared to how it was now. It seemed as if the whole school was here for Lydia's celebration and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

That was until the music died down all of a sudden. An eerie silence filled the once blaring loud music. Leo was confused but kept on pushing through the crowd until several people stood in his path, looking directly at him with no sign of any life. Just looking at him.

"Um... excuse me. You're kind of in my way" Leo tried to laugh it off even though he was getting irritated. The two guys in front of him didn't even react like they heard him. He swallowed thickly as he looked in to their eyes, a chill running down his spine.

"No! Run! Don't touch my children, you son of a bitch!"

Tears welt up in Leo's eyes as he spun around looking for the source of the voice.

"Who said that?" He asked out loud to no one in particular.

Every teenager just contributed to stare at him with a blank, empty look. No emotion whatsoever on their face.

"I swear I'm going to find you again one day and I'm going to make you wish you were dead you sick son of a bitch!"

"Who's saying that?!" Leo demanded whirling around, tears sliding down his face.

The same voice he was hearing started to get louder and louder, almost like they were yelling right in his ear. "Please, stop. Stop!" Leo yelled, clutching at his hair almost on the verge of a panic attack.

"Snap out of it Leo"

Leo only shook his head, shaking his head violently at the sound of the voice. It couldn't be real, this voice couldn't be real.

"Snap out of it! Whats happening to you is a side effect of wolfsbane in your system. You got to wake up sweetie"

"Mama" Leo whimpered looking ahead where an older looking woman stood with a face of sadness and worry. But just as quick as he was there, he was gone. "Snap out of it... snap out of it!"

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