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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

"Mom! Come on!" I yelled.

"Izu- Honey! Please don't run too far!"

I started lightly sprinting towards the enormous entrance doors through the fading daylight. Jumping up and down, my hair bouncing with the rhythm of my movement.

"2 tickets for auditorium C." My mother told the white haired women who sat behind the counter.
She quickly looked up from her device and nodded, turning to their computer and started typing while looking up at the computer screen. I then began to hear a printing sound, coming from my right.

"Alright, you both will be sitting in row 12 in seats 8 and 9. You two will be heading up floor 3."
She handed my mom the tickets, bowing her head as we both took our leave. We started down the hallway, getting even more anxious by the minute.

"MAMA! Can I hold my ticket! PLEASE!"
I pestered her by tugging on her pencil skirt as we approached the elevator.

"Sure. But hold it tight Izuku. You don't want to lose it before we even get into the auditorium." She explained as she pressed a button with an arrow on it that lit up by her touch and placed a ticket in he my hands. I lightly clutched it, making sure not to wrinkle the paper.

"I am in no way of losing this ticket."

A pair of metal doors opened, and I grabbed her hand and stepped into the small enclosed room that was aired with music.
I kept fidgeting in my shoes, so excited to go see her play. The elevator made a ding! and opened revealing another large hallway. I reached up to grab my moms hand again exiting the elevator.

"Auditorium..." She started walking up the hall, us both looking at every sign that stood near every pair of doors we passed.

"C!" My mothers eyes lit up just as we were about to pass the correct auditorium entrance. I saw a man who was standing at the door, holding a ticket box resting on his forearm.
I excitedly handed him my ticket with my mom right behind me.

"Enjoy the show."

She opened the left door letting me walk in before her.
We both set foot into a large room that made our shadows almost immediately disappear. The enclosed space smelled of velvet and clean air.
My mother and I quickly found our chairs in row 12, and quietly sat down in the velvet seats.
Getting situated, I see more than a couple of my classmates, sitting in different seats around the auditorium.

Including, Kacchan.

He gave me an evil glare rolling his eyes, to shortly return his gaze back to the stage.

Finally taking a second to look around the dark room I sat in, I then noticed that all of these seats were filled.

Most of the people I didn't even know. Never even seen. When I looked to my right, I even saw pro hero Best Jeanist, sitting with his legs crossed, focused on the stage.

"Mom! When's it going to start!?" I whispered. Starting to squirm in my seat just getting ready for everything to begin.

"Any minute now, Izuku. Be patient."
I groaned and sank into my seat. Already bored. It was the first time I had every gone to one of her performances, and I was too excited.

Time started to get away from me, when the lights started too dim. I shot up and sat straight waiting for what was next to come, when I see the gigantic curtains start to pull open.

No one was there.

No one was on stage.

Confused, I tried looking around to see if there was any mishap happening backstage. Small chatter rose, until I heard small footsteps walking onto the stage. A smile jumped onto my face when I saw her appearing through the side of the curtains.

Violin in hand, wrist to her face hanging her head low water dripping onto the stage that she stood upon.

Was she crying?

She was brought a standing ovation when she finally faced the crowd eyes puffy, and bloodshot red, weak to her knees.

She shakily lifted her violin to her chin, and raised her bow. Trying to catch her breath. Snot running down her nose, her hands shaking faster with each passing second. More like her whole body.

Tap, tap, tap.


Was all I heard. Next thing I know, she was and passed out across the stage, her violin snapping as it hit the ground, sliding to her far right.

What the hell was happening?

"Someone call the ambulance!"
A woman shouted.

People from both directions of the stage came running out checking her pulse, her heartbeat, and shining a flashlight into her eyes.

A woman scurried to the stage, and picked her up running off the stage with her hand resting on the back of her head. Y/n's head numbly resting on her shoulder. And with that, the curtain promptly closing once again.


That was the last time I had ever seen
Y/N L/N.

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