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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

Classes started back up the following Monday, and Y/n was now back in the classroom. Getting adjusted to their "norm," which was pretty intimidating. But it wasn't so bad. However it was exceptionally tiring. The day went by like a like a snail. She wanted to go back to the dorm to rest.
Who wouldn't after a long day?

The students were being a good example for their new enrollment. Still, some students would bring up a few incidents every once in a while students would be using their quirks, which would suddenly go out of control, 2 kids getting in a fight which led to an out break of their quirks which interrupted all the classes on that hall, causing more teachers to come and escort them to the office. It seemed as if this was normal for a school full of young adolescents still learning their quirks.

It was interesting for her to see the behavior of UA students first hand. To see their students acting in such childish manner, and how they interacting in class and with their classmates.

As Y/n was going down the Math hall with Aoyama, she saw the sports gymnasium. She was amazed at how skilled the trainees really are. They used their quirk as an extension of themselves.

It was absolutely breathtaking.

Yet, scary.

To think that, this was the type of training, and instruction that she would be getting.
Y/n never thought that she was the athletic type. Even though, she has a very powerful quirk, she never brought out the true power of it. It constantly stayed to a minimal. Her quirk helped her with simple everyday things.
Instead of actually sweeping, she would mentally pick it up, and sweep all of the filth from the floor. Instead of taking her hands of the bow to flip the page, she would use her quirk to flip it.
Oh! Did she happen to forget her phone all the way on the other side of the room? No worries! It would easily start floating, and floating until it reached the palm of her hand.

Was she lazy?

No, of course not.

She just used her quirk as an... extension of herself...
Even though she wasn't using it for what the hero world would call "useful" purposes, she was using her quirk for her own useful purposes. And she was ok with that. If she wanted to expand her quirk earlier, she wouldn't have enrolled in an arts program, and her quirk wasn't something she wanted to enlarge back then. She was scared of draining herself more, maybe even hurt her body more than it's already hurting.

She knew that her quirk was extremely dangerous. But she never knew how dangerous. Growing up with her aunt, she told her to keep it to that minimal so that she wouldn't hurt herself and others around her. She was somewhat trained her to fear her quirk. Whenever her aunt saw her concentrating extremely hard, she would immediately stop her from trying to lift or move whoever object was glowing. She was jealous of all the other kids being able to freely use her quirk at recess while she had to be the odd one out. Sometimes she felt quirkless.


It was a quiet morning, until Y/n began to encounter a panic attack at day-care. She began hyperventilating, and tears ran down her fall like a waterfall.

She breathed in before she let out an agonizing scream. Everything in the room then started to rise. Vases, furniture, toys, pillows, babies, books, clothes, shoes, miscellaneous other things.

"Y/n! Look look! You see this! It's your favorite toy!" On of the caretakers said as she waved a toy in front of her face in attempt to calm her down. And Y/n did stop. She stopped and acknowledged the toy before starting to scream louder than before, making the lady start rising into the air also.

The staff instantly called her parents and in a matter of time Y/n's father rushed into the building with her mother and a small container of cut up pears.

"N/n, my love! Daddy is here!" Y/n saw her parents and the crying stopped, and a happy smile peeled onto her face, focusing her attention on her now attending mother and father.

When little Y/n did, everything stopped mid-air and hit the ground once gravity was present in the room again, including her. Vases hit the floor, toys cracked, babies were being caught from the air, blankets scattered everywhere, things got lost, broken, and some things got found.

Her father picked her up from the ground and held her in his arms while she ate the pears peacefully. The manger then politely asked for the small family into her office before telling "We would like to decide wether we think it's safe to leave Y/n here, with the other children. We do not want them to get hurt over anymore incidents like this." Later being sent an email asking to try not to come again.


The girls quirk was more than intriguing, most people who met her were most definitely interested to know more.
Hell, she wasn't even able to tell them because she didn't even know herself. But now everything was different. She was older, able to make her own decisions, and most importantly she was now going to UA, a school for upcoming young hero's, they located her all the way from France just to give her an opportunity to learn and train at such a school.

She had gotten multiple scholarships, to other schools as well. Some who wanted her to take part in their young hero programs and Arts program too. But there's only so much you can know about the art of violin playing. Y/n was only in high school and had learned, not everything but about everything there is to know about most musical instruments the history, techniques and most things you can name. She would need to advance to college to finally be able to challenge herself and learn more about the art of violin playin. Last year the art program at the prestigious school had come to an ended.

She planned on going to a new school next year and get her degree in Psychiatry. So if her current career of playing music starts to fall downhill she would have something else she would want to do.

Now, she was in UA. A hero school.
Where she would take this to great opportunity to learn more about her quirk and use it like she's always wanted to and possibly become a hero. She never wanted to be curious about her own quirk again. And training at UA is going to get her exactly where she wants to be. So instead of just playing around to see how much she could lift at a time, she could get expert help from the teachers and train like a real hero would.

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