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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

Days rapidly getting shorter and the days went by like shooting stars. But the difference is, it isn't as beautiful as shooting stars.

It was a beautiful early Sunday morning, with the sun shining brightly over the sky. The temperature heightened, and the frost that was apparent on the window started to melt.

Y/n had her performance today playing the intro at the opera that was coming to Japan. She was excited, but her lack of energy was holding her back a bit. Nevertheless, she tried to persevere.

"Gosh it's today! I thought it was next Sunday?!" Midoriya exclaimed as he panicked a bit. "I wouldn't have signed up for that competition today...you know what! I'll just not go!" Standing up about to rush out of the door to take care of business, he was stopped by a hand pulling back on him.

"Nonsense." Y/n said patting his head, and gently ruffled his hair. "It's only one day. And besides, you never may know who's in the crowd of these competitions these days."

"But this whole opera thing seemed really important..." he said shyly as he sat back down.

"I have a lot of important things constantly happening in my life. Don't worry over it, you can just see me another time." Smiling at the boy who sat with a pout and reluctance.

"I guess so.."

"Good." She groaned getting up from her sitting position, slightly out of breathe when she finally stood. "I have to start preparing, so I'm going to leave early for rehearsal. Make sure you've picked out a decent piece for tonight, because they aren't providing one for you." Moving over to grab her purse, still looking for her phone, and already prepared to leave before Midoriya arrived at her door to give her some company.

"I'll see you later, Mon amour." She grabbed his face, and gave him a peck on his lips. When she starts to leave she heard him call her name. To which she turned around to see him say

"So, when are we actually going to start dating?"

"Pardon?" Shooting around to turn back to him.

"When are we going to make this official." He said with no hesitation, nor nervousness. "You treat me like your boyfriend, I act like your boyfriend, I want to be your boyfriend, I know you want me to be your boyfriend, so what's holding us up at this point?" Getting up and walking towards her.


"You've rejected me a number of times, yet you still do things like that which gives me mixed feelings N/n..."

"I- Uhm..."Starting studded, she looked back behind her to try and look fit her phone.

"Do you just not want to put a label on our relationship?"

"Izuku!" She blushed, and pushed him away by his chest trying to hide her face.

"We don't have to be a "couple" per say, but I do like the name "Y/n's boyfriend" I could definitely get used to done called that." The boy played with a strand of her hair around his finger looking her straight in her eyes. "I really love when you try and act like your not head over heels for me...it's like you constantly want me to be all over you."

"Izuku..." Y/n said as she walking away from the door and towards him, he walked backwards with a sneaky grin on his face, she walked closer and closer, leading him to her bed. He tripped on the front of it and was forced into the mattress by both of her hands. "You are..." she stopped when she spotted her phone and grabbed it. "You are truly just so captivating." She then gave him another kiss before slipping on her jacket.

"I'll see you later Mon amour." Going back to her door. "Do great! And Goodluck!" And then closing it behind her so that she could head to the train station to await her train.

On the other hand, Midoriya stayed in her room in a giggly daze reminiscing on the beautiful girl who always nonverbally conveyed her strong feelings towards him.

"She really has me wrapped around her finger."

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