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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

Y/n stepped out of the car with the assistance of Hana who took her hand to help her to the ground gracefully, and before she could even say thank you, she was met and blinded by the constant flashing of lights that were enough to give one an seizure.

Standing up straight, she let go of Hana's hand and told her thank you with a grateful smile.

"Of course honey. I'll be out here when it's time for you to leave as well."

Y/n started walking away from the car into the flooding lights of brightness. Before taking her first step onto the stairs she stopped and looked back slightly hearing


"Over here L/n!"

"How does it feel to be one of the youngest cast members here today?"

"Is it true that you are currently unenrolled at the school of music in France?!"

"How does it feel to be playing the intro for the opera today?"


"Is it true that you are dating Endeavor's hero intern?!"



Starting up the stairs, she nodded her head yes and no to questions, she looked and turned around and faced other directions and posing differently every few seconds.

Before she walked too far up the steps she heard her name from a certain direction. Turning around a random energy burst of excitement and happiness started flowing through her body. She screamed in a "polite" way and tried her best to run over to the balcony to go and hug Mitsuki who was also beaming with excitement.

Embracing Y/n, Mitsuki was also accompanied by her husband, and her son who seemed like he was already aggravated.

"Oh Y/n! I'm so proud of you!" She said kissing her face lightly so that she didn't mess up her makeup. "Look at you! You so beautiful and mature, oh my goodness." Fanning her eyes to stop tears from falling down her cheeks.

"I'm so glad you all came. It means the world to me."

"Of course. I know Katsuki doesn't look too excited but he was the one who was rushing us out of the house! I'm pretty sure he's excited for you too! Right Katsuki!" Elbowing the boy who was on his phone to grab his attention.

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