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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

Once again, she breathed in the cold fresh air that never seemed to get old. Y/n walked out of the UA dormitory building and started down the concrete sidewalk with her hands in her pockets. Turning the corner, and then walked down the sidewalk until she saw the that same illuminating sign of her favorite and more convenient convenience store.

Opening the door with that same bell made a sound, and she greeted the woman behind the counter with a good evening and walked past her into the into the store looking around aimlessly, and purposefully ignoring the green head of hair in one of the aisles.

She goes to the chip section of the store and picks out a bag of chips before she heads to the refrigerators that were always fully stocked this time of night. She grabbed a bottle of water, and continued browsing throughout the store to make sure there wasn't anything else she had wanted. She came across the candy aisle to see the familiar variety of foreign candy that she passed by every single time she came by this store for her annual late night snack.

She went down the aisle a little and looked and before she starts to actually look for her favorite pear-flavored snack, when the green haired boy is already looking at her.

The eye contact lasted less than a few seconds before a grin appeared on her face, trying to hide it before it turned into an large beam across her face.

The eye contact lasted longer as she became mesmerized by the green eyes that she was looking into. She tilted her head to the right, the person standing in front of her accidentally doing the same. The also smiling boy standing in the same aisle steps forward and takes the things from her hands, she would try and take them back and refuse him pay for it, he denies her and brings it to the register, with her following.

"Are you going to follow me to the store every time I want to get something to eat?" She asked sarcastically as if he wasn't in the store before her.

"It's more of a like you want to see me kind of thing."

"No, I don't think so-" turning back around to see Midoriya had grabbed her hand gently and turned her around. She looked at him with wide deer eyes in curiosity when he said

"Can I show you something?"


"You should at least take me out on a date before you bring me to meet your parents Mon Amour..." Y/n teased as she watched as Midoriya used his personal house-keys to unlock the door to what seemed to be his house.

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