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☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

"You got 5th place!" Y/n screamed almost throwing her out of her hand. All of class 1A cheered and applauded Midoriya for his higher performance place that he had gotten from all of his past couple competitions. Everyone was overjoyed in homeroom all giving the boy congratulations and even Todoroki giving him a pat on the back.

Midoriya was thrilled as well. He just kept on smiling and high fives his classmates, the students and class immediately going silent when the presence of their so called stern teacher. The students snickered and giggled lowly knowing that their teacher obviously saw their unstealthy retreat back to their seats.

"Alright. Class dismissed."

"Woo hoo!"

"Good job Deku!"

Class 1A said as they all exited the classroom to make their way to their next class. Mina then stopped in front of all of the students blocking their way in the hall.

"I think this is a good time to celebrate?! Arcade on me?!"

"Hell yeah!" Sero said high-fiving Mina while he walked past her. The rest of the class happily agreeing with him.

They all said their goodbyes and came to an agreement on a time and arcade that they would go to after-school on this laid back Friday night.

This reminded Y/n of the first day that she came to UA when she was unable to go to the arcade with the others. And now she was happy that she was able to go now to spend time with her friends.


The arcade was amazing.

Todoroki, Iida, Mina, Tsuyu, Momo, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, Bakugou, Ojiro. Midoriya, Ochaco, Aoyama, Jirou, Tokoyami, Mineta, and Y/n all walked into the arcade and the group was immediately struck by the flashing lights, beeping sounds, and the buzz of excitement in the air. They all quickly made their way over to the game machines, eager to try their luck at winning some prizes and to beat another one of their classmates in a game.

Kaminari almost immediately runs over to the basketball hoop game with Mina following, to showed off his skills and to impressing his classmates with his "accuracy" and what he called speed. Mina and Kaminari both fought each other trying to mess up each others throws to lose points and time.

Y/n and Kirishima both battled each other on the dance machine, Momo and Tsuyu both laughing at the very interesting and big dance moves they were making, and Y/n laughing at how dedicated Kirishima was to win, causing her to fall over in laughter. But after Y/n and Kirishimas match, a little girl came into the platform and suddenly swiped her card challenging Kirishima in an instant dance battle, and to his surprise and doubts, he lost.

Meanwhile, Hakagure was trying to win a hello kitty plushie from the claw-machine. Wasting almost all of her money, and still not winning, leaving her upset, but going to find someone else to try and win it for her.

Soon, Momo and Bakugou got into this really tough air hockey game which caused all of the teenagers to gather around the table to instigate the game, and to agitate and fire up Bakugou.

Tsuyu and Midoriya matched up and began to play an intense car racing game, while Hakagure stole Ojiro and Ochaco from watching the game, to try and win the plushie from the claw machine for her.

Another intense match started when Bakugou challenged Y/n to Mario Cart where they both evidently tied for first place all 4 rounds, but on the score board it said that Y/n took the win 3/4 times.

By the end of the night, the group had racked up a ton of tickets and a lotof prizes. Midoriya won this ginormous teddy bear from the shop, and gave it to Y/n with a blush on his face, because ostensibly
"No one else wanted it."

All of the teens high-fived each other and laughed at all of the pictures and videos taken, and just by being in the moment and in each others company.

As they headed back to the dorms before curfew, exhausted but happy, the group couldn't help but feel excited about the nice warm shower and their comfortable bed that they had awaiting them when they got back safely to UA.

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