Chapter 1: Minjeong the go-getter

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Kim Minjeong. She's mysterious and a little weird... we've been best friends since we're in diapers. Our mothers were friends and neighbors and since then we've been stuck with each other.

If I would describe Minjeong in one word it would be... a go-getter. What did I mean by that? I recall the time she scolded one of our teachers because she was late in class because of an accident. Instead of letting the teacher explain she cut her off by sayingㅡ"Teacher is it necessary for us to hear the whole story? If you did something wrong is it much better to apologize first?"

"As long as you learned something from that, then that's what matters. Let us move on." That earned applause from our classmates. Some admire her for talking back, some said that she's smart, and some just applaud just because she looked cool. I almost blurt out that they shouldn't encourage such a blunt attitude.

This is nothing compared to what she was like when we were young. When we were in kindergarten, I dropped a piece of meatball on the ground. Instead of comforting me, she ridiculed me just because I dropped the meatball with a fork, and continued sayingㅡ"Are you going to be this foolish after you become an adult and enter society?" She told me to hush because I was beginning to cry. She literally told a 4-year-old kid to suck up to society! I was traumatized after that I never dropped a single food in my entire life just to please her.

When we were in elementary school. I asked Minjeong to go to the restroom with me since I was scared. There were a lot of rumors saying that the restrooms in our school were hunted, but she utteredㅡ"What's the purpose of going to the restroom together? Is it just an attempt to cultivate a sense of social community while taking care of a basic human need?" The 6-year-old me dramatically ran away from her out of embarrassment, sayingㅡ"Minjeongie you meanie!" I never went to the restroom with Minjeong. After that, I forced myself to be brave and went on my business alone. I want to show her that I don't need her to accompany me to pee.

In middle school, I was hanging out in Minjeong's house, she was doing our summer homework while I was lying on her bed reading a funny manga. I told her to stop doing those assignments since it's the summer vacation and we should go to the beach, but then she just said, out of nowhereㅡ"How does if feel to waste your life simply breathing every day? Why don't you make a plan for the future and start living a life with purpose?" I literally stormed out of the room and shoutedㅡ"Minjeongie you meanie!" After that encounter, I forced myself to finish my summer homework just to show to that jerk of a friend of mine that I can succeed, too!

Now... has anything change?

She's still blunt and I can't still tell what she's thinking. The day she said that we should kiss awakened something within me. But she's acting like our kiss didn't happened, nor did she gave it any importance. We haven't had the chance to talk about it yet or we shouldn't since she's acting like the kiss doesn't matter.

"Stop me if you don't like it..."

If I'm being honest...


I didn't hate it. Ratherㅡ

"Yoo Jimin!"

Startled, I abruptly face the person who called me, and said, "God, Minjeong you scared me!"

"You weren't responding. I thought you were dead." She answered in a bored manner that annoyed me the most. Looking at her nonchalant face just really annoys me.

"What's the matter?" I glared at her. Why are you always so mean to me? This is really freaking annoying!

Minjeong and I were walking along the road. Our routines were always been like this. We go to school together and go home from school together.

It's already bothering me... have our conversation been weird? Am I just the only one who's nervous? was it just nothing to you? I wanted to hold her hand... can I still do that? I mean, we normally do it all the time. It's nothing weird, right? I'm overthinking things I should hold her hands, but before doing so, she yanks my wrist and pulled me closer to her.

What's going on? could this be?

I can feel myself blushing because of the sudden touches.

"I feel like my heart is going to come out..." I look at her with much anticipation. "Were you scared? I'm sorry... I acted on impulse."

"It's okay... even if you're like that..." Is this what I think it is? Is Minjeong finally going to confess that our relationship is bothering her, too?

"My heart is still beating fast." Oh, God! This is so sudden! That's right Minjeong tell me that you were affected too, right? I wasn't the only one who feels that.

I inched slowly, caressing her hands. Now that it's mutual... Maybe once more... we can do it again. I pucker my lips and close my eyes.

"Don't worry. I was able to quickly memorize the license plate number because of my fast reflexes and excellent judgment."


"We need to report those reckless drivers who are a threat to pedestrians."

This is crazy. The heck is she blabbing about. I saw it! It was a little fast but it wasn't dangerous since we're walking far from it!

Your heart is racing, huh? Yeah right!


I encourage everyone to write their favorite funny scenes on this chapter. Mine was about the "Minjeongie you meanie~!" part. Hahaha. How about you guys?

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