Chapter 2: The Art of Seduction

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In every relationship, there are always boundaries that you shouldn't cross. But we... what sort of relationship do we have? It might have been easy for you to just forget everything, leaving me hanging, and wanting for more.

The audacity.

It must have been simple for you to play with me like it was nothing! You just wait... I'll totally change that nonchalant attitude of yours! To sum it up. I plan on seducing you. I'll make you regret everything you did! We already crossed that line, so I want to clarify what sorts of relationships we have.

Step 1: Give compliments

Minjeong and I were grabbing something to eat at our favorite bakery shop before going to school, and I was waiting for her to finish buying. Everything was in place, and all I need to do is to summon my inner confidence. She went out of the shop and, I saidㅡ"Did you just come out of the oven? Because you're hot," she just gave me a 'what the frick' face.

She stared at me for a moment and said, "Do you want your bread or not?" in a nonchalant way.

"You're so sweet, you're giving me a toothache." I continued pretty confidently. She walks away from me, forcefully feeding on my bread, which made me shoutedㅡ"That's mine! So that means you're mine~." I heard her groan in annoyance.

It was lunchtime already. Minjeong and I went to the cafeteria to eat. I was trying to look for an opportunity to mess with her again. She doesn't know that I'm just getting started.

"What's on the menu?" She asks while scanning on it while muttering curses about how crowded the cafeteria all the time.

I thought of an idea. I muster my inner self-confidence again and saidㅡ"Know what's on the menu? Me 'n' u."

    She looks at me incredulously, like I'm out of my mind or something. She stared for a moment, then proceed to ignore me and went back to her previous activity. "I think I want chicken curry. How about you?" She asks.

I said, "If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable." I flip my hair, no doubt that my words will reach her cold heart in no time.

Just you wait, Elsa

You're not the only person who is capable of playing with other people's hearts. Do you know how many people I've dated already? I'm definitely an expert in picking people's hearts. That doesn't sound right, but I'm also not trying to justify myself.

"Ouch! Stop hitting me Minjeong! Ouch!" She was hitting my shoulder, "Stop it! Where are you going?" I was puzzled. Is she mad? I hope not... I'm not trying to make her mad by doing these things. All I ever wanted was an answer to where our relationship stands right now.

"Stop making fun of me!" She walked away. Oh my... I think I made her mad. Do my pick-up lines suck? They always work on other people, so I think she'll like it, too. Let's just try it again.

I bothered Minjeong whenever I see her. In our lab classㅡ"You must be made of Copper and Tellurium—because you're CuTe!"

"Do you want me to dissect you?" She threatened me with a scalpel. I literally screamed in surrender.

In our gym classㅡ"Are your legs tired? You have been running in my mind allㅡOuch!" She threw a ball at me.

It's definitely Minjeong. She's the problem, not my pick-up lines. I have never seen someone express such hatred when being complimented. She's always like this. All I ever wanted was for her to acknowledge my praises. I'm not just doing it out of nothing. I am genuine about my words, praising her out of adoration, but it seems like she doesn't appreciate it.

Step 2: Saying something meaningful!

"Jimin may I borrow your pencil?" I sigh, sounding problematic.

"Pencil? I'm having a hard time here but all you ask is a pencil?" I massage my temple, and tried again, "You know life without you is like a broken pencil... it's pointleㅡ"She shut my mouth with her hand.

"Stop whatever it is you're trying to say." I lick her hand and that made her surprised. I sigh again. Feeling disappointed about my failed pick-up line attempt.

"God! Jimin! Ugh, disgusting!"

I heave a sigh for the third time. This method is not working well. I need something that can elicit a proper response from her. Something that she can't resist. Okay, I think it's time to go with my last resort.

Step 3: Outright temptation

I comb my hair sideways, exposing my luscious neck, and slightly unbutton a button of my uniform. I went to sit on her desk while she was writing something. I saw panic in her eyes. I smirk because it's effective. I slowly untie my necktie, looking straight at her eyes.

"Do you know what our next class is?" I huskily ask and looks at her in a flirtatious way. I saw her gulp and that made me bite my lip.

"It's art." She answered softly. I went to lean on her desk, resting both my elbows while winking at her.

"I think I might need a muse for my drawing..." I went down not breaking eye contact with her. "Would you like to be my muse?" I finish.

"What are you doing?" I can see Minjeong was getting nervous because I can see her sweating, looking horrified. I went to caress her ankle and see how she'll react. I felt her flinched and stand up.

"I already had a partner. I think you should be more familiar with the schedule." She nonchalantly said and went out of the room.

Wait... What just happened? Did I just fail? Minjeong you heartless woman!

Meanwhile, Minjeong went to the restroom and splash her face with water. All Jimin's teasing was very hard to endure. She was doing fine not until she did what happened earlier. Minjeong was still red, feeling hot and bothered. Jimin was getting out of hand these days, considering how she feels to the girl doesn't help at all.

She sighs, composing herself. She can't let Jimin see this side of her. Everything for Jimin is just a play. She wouldn't let her see that it's bugging her to the core. No. Never. She'll just try to run away from this problem as far as she could.


What was your favorite funny scenes or pick-up lines on this chapter? Mine was the failed pick up line attempt. Hahaha. How about you guys?

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