Chapter 8: Just some commoners' food

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My laptop got busted, that's why I couldn't write for weeks. Now, that I'm back I can continue writing again. Thanks for waiting!

When you can't sleep and it gets to the point when you just accept that you'll be miserable tomorrow. That's what I'm feeling right now. The reason for this conundrum was because of a certain person. Minjeong said she kissed me because she wanted to. She didn't elaborate further. I knew what that means... It means she wants me to figure it out by myself.

Now, that's going to be a difficult task because I'm just a smarty-pants. I only have two brain cells in my brain and they seem to be not communicating well with one another. Especially, because of the lack of sleep. I've been shifting around the bed for the nth time now. I just hope Minjeong doesn't wake up.

It did occur to me that maybe, just maybe—Minjeong likes? I scratch the thought. There's no way Minjeong likes me more than a friend, right? No way that'll happen... right? I did like the kiss. It would be such a lie if I didn't. I don't mind kissing my best friend. Heck, I'd rather kiss her than my exes.

I always imagine myself having a very close relationship with Minjeong. Though, we're close. It's not the kind of closeness that I want. Y'know, I like the typical girl friend relationships; shopping together, having slumber parties together, sleeping on the same bed together, cuddling, and hugging, kissing would be an option if Minjeong likes it. Well, that sounds borderline clingy, indeed it is. And let's just leave it that way.

Minjeong is sort of like the person who doesn't like giving concrete answers. This is one of the perks of being her friend. To understand her, you must have a sixth sense. And by sixth sense—I mean a strong intuition, not the paranormal kind of thingy. The problem is—I don't have a strong intuition. Sometimes, I'm not sure if I have a helpful intuition or it's just paranoia. Like that one time she called my name out of nowhere—"Jimin." She looked at me like I did something horrible. For three whole minutes! She just stares at me. Without uttering anything. Just my name. Then I soon realize we were having an awkward staring contest.

I knew that she was sending signals that I did something bad, and that I need to figure it out by myself. But being the slow person I am, I didn't quite get what I did wrong. So, asked her what I did wrong, and she was like—"There's nothing wrong. If you feel there is, then figure it out by yourself." I'm not smart. Minjeong needs to realize that. She's giving me a task that doesn't require human language, how am I going to solve that?

Minjeong is a deep thinker. There are times that it's hard for me to tell if she's just thinking hard or about to pass out. Especially, her choice of words is very—unique. Like that time I ask if she has any plans for the weekend—"Minjeongie~ when are you free?" she answered—"I'm forever incarcerated in my own personal flesh, so I'm never truly 'free', but I don't have plans this Saturday." I was baffled for days because of her words. It was too much for my two brain cells.

Also, Minjeong has a habit of naming things. And by naming things, that means judging someone from head to toe. She's probably silently judging others since forever. I remember the time we were playing with Giselle, Minjeong's cousin, in their backyard.

"I bestow thee the name Chris P. Bacon for shall you live with courage and dignity."

"Why are you giving him such an obnoxious name?" Giselle uttered distastefully.

"Life is full of difficulties. In order to live a better life, he has to conquer the pain. And that same goes to you."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

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