Chapter 9: Stop petting my peeves

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Not sure if stress enhances my anxiety or my anxiety enhances my stress. But one thing is for sure—I need a stress ball. Y'know, I haven't been triggered like this since the time I almost burn our house down while cooking. It's sort of like—something just hit you on the face, then knock you off completely baffled. It's a bit alarming to some point because your mind was not properly equipped with witty comebacks on the process. The reason for this sudden outburst was because of a person.

Jeon Somi.

The first time she was introduced to me was when I went to Minjeong's 8th birthday party. You might all say that Somi is a good girl, I would strongly disagree. Jeon Somi is a pretentious little snob that wants Minjeong attention all to herself. Well, that's not gonna happen since I owned the bestfriendthrone. That's why she despises me to the core. Just like what happened on that Saturday afternoon.

Better days are coming, and they are called Saturday and Sunday. That moment when you realize it's weekend. Oh, heaven! It's the time where movement is optional, so my plan for the weekend is to move just enough so no one thinks I'm dead. But—procrastination was never an option if you have an active friend like Minjeong.

Of all the things that we should be doing, she'd chosen—farming. Of all the things, Minjeong, why?! Farming or gardening was always been a nightmare. Not for me but to those plants I had planted. You see, I've never been a fan of it simply because, for some odd and horrifying reason, plants always die whenever I touch them.

I once had planted a euphorbia plant until it perished.

I tried everything. Every possible way to make it survive, from giving the right amount of water, monitoring it day and night, giving the right amount of love and affection, but it still died. I don't know what sort of curse I have but because of that, I stopped doing it because they sort of perished for God knows what reason.

Minjeon had been doing this for ages since she has a bunch of animals to feed. But I didn't expect that we're going to do it together with Jeon Somi.

She's one of the devils' incarnations together with Prof. Beak.

People just hate me for no reason, even animals. I feel like I'm the embodiment of detestation. Anyone that really gets to know me either falls in love with me or wants to murder me. Sometimes both. I don't know if I should consider that a curse or a talent, either one would do.

Minjeong and Somi are neighbors. Like their houses are twelve meters close from one another. Well, I'm not gonna argue with that, I'mma just gives her that title since she badly needs it.

"Why are you always with Minjeong? Certainly, she doesn't want someone like you following her all around." I forgot Jeon Somi is also the kind of person who likes asking obvious and ridiculous questions. Questions like a nine-year-old kid can answer.

"I bet she's sick and tired of you." I know she's trying to aggravate me so that I surrender my throne. Like that's gonna happen. She should do better than throwing insults made for children.

So, I just answered, "You should pick on someone of the same mental age as yours."

"What are you trying to say?" I shake my head in disbelief.

It's a no-brainer that Somi likes Minjeong like—a lot lot. She'd been blabbering that around since we were kids. It was love at first sight, she concluded. Well, I don't believe in love at first sightannoyed at first sight, sure—much likely.

I'm not saying I hate her, what I'm saying is—she's literally the Monday of my life! No, I've not lost my mind—yet. No worries. It's just that half of it just wandered off and the other half went looking for it. Honestly, I don't even play an active role in my life since yesterday... Things just happen and I'm like—"Oh, is this what we're doing now? OK." That's why I found my way into Ning Yizhuo's company. We were sitting in one of the bleachers while we watch the grass grow. Some passersby might be thinking both of us were having an existential crisis. Well, they're not wrong.

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