Chapter 10: I'm gonna force feed you food until you love me

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It took ages for the scenes and dialogues to come out. Thanks for waiting!

I see stupid people, they're everywhere, they walk around like everyone else, and they don't even know that they're dumb.

That's what I always feel when I see my brother Heechul. I can't still forget the time he annihilated an entire forest by farting all over the place. Utterly stupid, if I would say.

I recall the time, my family and I went to the beach to relax. I was 12 at that time, and Heechul was 16. We have a dog named Shark because Heechul had some uncanny obsession with sharks at that moment.

They were running around, and Heechul was shouting Shark's name like a maniac, then people turned wary—and ran as fast as possible to the shore.

After that, any animals named Shark were banned from entering the beach.

Though I also have done some stupid things in my life, I will not justify myself here. When I was around 6, I decided to run away and live in the woods.

When my mom asked why I was packing a bag, I told her why and invited her to join me. I love my parents. I just wanted to try living in a hollow tree for a while, y'know.

When I was 8, a friend and I went door to door, selling homemade keychains so we could buy Bibles for the bullies. My reasoning at that time was that—if they read the Bible, they would stop bullying me.

I'm Catholic. I have come to realize that in the hands of a bully, the Bible can be as effective as a weapon, but hey, my heart was in the right place at that time.

I didn't tell Minjeong, but she found it out on her own when she noticed that I stopped hanging with her for weeks, and I guess you already knew what happened next. I don't need to elaborate further.

What I'm trying to say here is—it's okay to be stupid—just don't make a habit of it—like every day.

I hope my talent as being the embodiment of detestation was as handy as the other stuff—like gardening, intellectually gifted, and—cooking. I wasn't naturally gifted. Do I feel sad? Of course, I am. Who am I trying to fool?

There are two things that I don't really like, first is interacting with dimwits and second cooking. Making food has always been a nightmare, not just because I have almost burned our house before but—sigh, I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty mediocre at cooking. I accidentally make lava while making brownies—that's how bad I am, and I almost killed my good-for-nothing brother because of it, too.

I was making one of my signature dishes, kimchi chigae, my brother, being the natural pig he is, ate all of it like it was good—which made me flatter, by the way, but then, he spent a week lying on a hospital bed from food poisoning. I swear it wasn't my intention—he was being a pig at that time.

Throughout my constant effort to be better, I succeeded in making a dish that was—miraculously, edible for humans to consume. Either my cooking has improved or... my family's immune systems have strengthened, either one of those two would do. Nothing is impossible if you persistently work on your flaws.

I recall the time I made some bento lunch for Minjeong back when we were freshmen in highschool. I can still remember what it looks like, here lemme show you.

 I can still remember what it looks like, here lemme show you

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