Chapter 6: •

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If there were some subject that you might find offensive, it's not a form of mocking or ridiculing a certain subject. Some of the SCENES here were INSPIRED from real-life experiences. Thank you!

Thursday. If Thursday could be Friday, that'd be great. Thursday is one of the cursed days on the calendar because I'm always unlucky every time it comes. I swear to God Thursday is just Monday's second ugly sister. I remember that I broke my glasses back in middle school while playing basketball in our P.E. class, and it was on Thursday.

I will never forget that day due to a very embarrassing situation.

The frame of my glasses split in half. I became blind for the rest of the day. Minjeong helped me with everything that I needed, including writing everything that's on the board on her notes for me to see, assisting me in getting down the stairs while we head to the cafeteria, helping me with my tray of food since I can't see my way.

I would never have survived that day without Minjeong. I felt like a person with disabilities that needs constant care and attention. I have poor eyesight, you guys, and that's how I perceived everything that happened. Thank God! it wasn't night time or else I will not see anything. For real.

The only thing that Minjeong can't do was to help me pee. What I mean was accompanying me to the restroom. I've been sticking to my oath that I'll never ask for Minjeong's help to go to the restroom, whatever reason it might be.

I'm not scared of ghosts anymore. I already conquer that fear of mine. The only problem is just that I can't see clearly. I wouldn't be surprised if I went to the wrong restroom. Yea, and that's what... happened. I went to the men's bathroom. Unconsciously, without knowing.

How did I know? Simple. When I was washing my hand on the sink, I saw a man went out of one of the cubicles. He got startled. I got startled. We both got startled! I didn't have the chance to process everything, so I face him and said ㅡ "I'm trans." Then I walk out, head high, flipping my hair with confidence. It was so embarrassing! I went out of the restroom as fast as possible, and I almost stumble on the hallway.

The most annoying part is, I don't know who saw me in the men's restroom, and avoiding that person is going to be difficult since I didn't see his face due to my poor eyesight! I told the dude I'm transgender! I'm so sorry transgender people. I'm very ashamed of myself... IㅡI didn't know what to do, I PANICKED! If someone's going to ask me about that embarrassing incident out of nowhere, I'll just straight up deny that he got the wrong person. Luckily, no one asked. Aaand I stop wearing glasses ever since that humiliating incident.

Why am I telling this again? Oh, right! Thursday. The unluckiest day on the calendar. Why do you ask? It's because I failed the test! I thought that memorizing Shakespearean insults might help me pass the exam, but it didn't! The exam was an essay type! What's annoying about it was, it says in the direction there's no right or wrong answer. It's fine to just express your opinion, and it was something like this...

Question 1: What can you say about Romeo and Juliet's love story?

Well, their love story is doomed from the very beginning since Shakespeare was the author. The dude fancies torturing people. So before the story even started, they're already destined to meet a tragic end. It might have a happy ending if Shakespeare wasn't the author.

Question 2: Do you think Romeo and Juliet's love story is relatable?

No. Who would marry someone who she just met for the first time? Well, certainly not me.

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