Chapter 5: Half-face pignut!

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I woke up feeling like it's Friday. There's nothing more heartbreaking than you think it is, but in reality, it's still Wednesday. There's still nothing good about Wednesday, apparently. Minjeong is still the epitome of winter, as usual. Their study session with Ning is still ongoing, as usual. And I'm still pretty, as usual. I don't know when is she planning to end it, to be honest. I thought she'd had enough of Ning Yizhuo, especially to what happened yesterday.

We went home together with Ning Yizhuo. We were walking along the road and out of nowhere she asksㅡ "Why do the crossings beep?" And I answered, "Apparently, for blind people." She continued, "But blind people can't drive?"

I was speechless again. I don't have to look at Minjeong if she's speechless or not, it's a no-brainer. I think Ning Yizhuo is the only person who can make Minjeong and I think for like a moment, and then we'll try to decipher if what she said makes sense or not. I mean Ning got a point there, half of the people on the roads are blind anyways... and the other half are clueless.

I sent a text to Minjeong asking how long are we going to hang out with Ning. I don't have anything against her. To be honest, I kinda like her, and her unique way of thinking. Minjeong just repliedㅡ"." She sent me a dot (.) as a response.

Minjeong and her indecipherable codes.

You see, Minjeong is the odd one here. I know for a fact how picky Minjeong when it comes to the people she wanted to be friends with. The only reason that we're still together is that she said ㅡ "It's hard to get rid of you." She was being sarcastic, but I took it as a compliment. That just means, I'm the only person Minjeong can't handle and control *flips hair*.

I can still remember that boy who wanted to be friends with her back in kindergarten. The boy wanted to give her a flower as a form of affection. Do you know what she said to the boy? Take a guess. She said ㅡ "Away, you three-inch fool." Classic Minjeong, I know. Minjeong didn't say that out of hate, you guys. You see, she is allergic to pollen, and giving flowers to Minjeong means you're signing up for a war. The boy didn't know that. Poor him.

Where was I again? Oh, Fridays. Do you know why I'm so excited about Friday? It's not just the fact that we don't have class on Friday, but also Minjeong said we'll go on a date. Well, truthfully, I beg her with that. Remember the time that she'll make up to me by treating me to lunch? I told her that we should go on a date together since it's been a while since we had our last one. But Minjeong being Minjeong, just wanted to be difficult.

"Let's go on a date and you can just treat me to lunch at that time."

"I have a lot of things to do Jimin. I'm still not finish tutoring Yizhuo."

"You've been with her for a long time now. She's not replacing the best friend thrown, right? Because I got that," I pout and continued, "And I feel like you're avoiding me these days... It hurts you know." I look at her with the most pitiful puppy eyes she'd ever seen.

Minjeong just sighs in defeat, "Okay. We'll go out and I'll treat you to lunch," I pump my fist on the air and made a victory dance, "In one condition, you have to pass the upcoming Literature exam."

I know I'm quite dumb, but I'm not the dumbest person on Earth. I know that because I know how windmills works, they don't just pop up out of nowhere and damage the wind. So, speaking of the exam, well, nothing much. I think I can ace that 100% percent. What's in the test you ask? Well, it's all about tragic love stories and people getting killed. Sounds like the stuff Minjeong fancies.

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