Chapter 4: Min-Zilla

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I'm not sure if it's Tuesday or it's just a second Monday? I swear Tuesday is just Monday's ugly sister. Do you know what's good about Tuesday? Nothing. Especially, if Minjeong is avoiding me like I'm a walking virus!

Tuesday isn't too bad, some of you might say. I know because it's a sign that I survived Monday. Yehey. It's just that my day will not be perfect if I can't have a little bit of Minjeong's attention *insert crying emoji*.

I watch as Ning Yizhuo and Minjeong talk with each other. Never in my entire life that I will see Minjeong talk to the girl. I still remember the time I ask why we couldn't hang out with Ning Yizhuo. She just saidㅡ"I already have you, and having another one of you is a pain in the neck." I know I should be insulted by that, but knowing Minjeong she likes to see people suffering because of her, so I just saidㅡ"I know I'm a handful but that's why you got two hands Minjeong. Geez, I expected more from you." I sass.

I don't even know what they're talking about and I'm certain that it's not about a project or something. I huff in annoyance. They probably did this yesterday since we didn't have our sleepover.

Don't judge me, I'm just desperate for attention!

My daily routine consists of: get up, be amazing, annoy Minjeong, annoy Minjeong again, and go back to bed, and it's been my daily routine for the past 18 years of my existence. It's just kind of weird not to do it since I'm already accustomed to it.

Their study session is taking too much of my Minjeong time. This needs to end. I made a beeline through their spot and sat near Minjeong's. I peek through her shoulder to see what they were doing, and it seems like Minjeong was teaching her some English grammar.

Minjeong acknowledge my presence by looking at me unknowingly. I smiled and fluttered my lashes, in an adoring way to look cute. She looks at me weirdly then proceeds to teach Ning. I brush my nose to her shoulder to get her attention again which made her narrow her eyes. I can see in my peripheral vision that Ning is also looking at us amusedly.

I'm sorry. I'm desperate because I'm lonely and I'm lonely because I'm desperate.

"If the subject is singular you'll put 's' or 'es' to the verb, but if it's plural the verb is in its simplest form."

While she was explaining I was tugging her sleeves gently. She removes my hand from her sleeves, instead of yanking it down she intertwined it with hers. The gesture made me blush. The simplest things that Minjeong does really makes me smile. Okay, you won Minjeong. I'll not bother your tutoring session with Ning, as long as you do this every day with me. I rest my head on her shoulder while playing with her fingers. I look pitiful, I know, and we're not even a real couple. I don't know want I want from her up until now, but I love doing these things. Whatever it is, I know to myself that I will never leave Minjeong.

Minjeong is hot as she is cold. One time she's sweet and will give you diabetes, but sometimes she's cold just like the iceberg in Titanic. I do believe she suffers from a disorderly, unbalanced, disorder called Mood Swings. There's nothing wrong with that, believe me. I'm not saying this to make fun of people who had mood swings. It's cool as long as you don't kill someone.

I remember the prank I pulled off to Minjeong to make her jealous. I mean, don't get me wrong you guys... The girl is beyond emotionless, to the point that it's worrisome. I was a 14-year old dumb kid at that time, and I was still brave to anger Min-Zilla. There's this girl in our class and she doesn't like Minjeong, for a reason up until now I still don't know.

"Are you insulting me Kim Minjeong?!"

"No, I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you."

"Why youㅡ!"

"You know you sound smarter when you don't talk. I think you should do that."

"Jimin, Minjeong is so mean to me!" I was yanked in between their quarrel. I was innocently standing between them and I don't even know why they're fighting. I know Minjeong will never involve herself in some unreasonable situations if it isn't worth it. Mischievously, as a worried friend, I went with the girl.

So being the stupid me, I saidㅡ"Minjeong, your words are very harsh." Trust me, if looks can kill, I've already been bleeding on the ground. At that time, I've reached that age where my brain goes from "you probably shouldn't say that" to "what the heck, let's see what happens." I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Of course, everything had gone terribly wrong the moment you awakened Min-Zilla. I suffered weeks of torture by being her slave and talking about them gives me goosebumps. If you happened to make Minjeong's mood swings snapped you'd better run.

Now, why am I talking about this? It's because it's happening again. When we were in the middle of the study session, a woman stormed into our classroom, shouting Minjeong's name. The girl was one of our classmates, Hyeri.

"Why did you report me to the guidance?!" Hyeri shouted.

"Smoking is prohibited in school and as the school president I must do my job," Minjeong said nonchalantly.

"It wasn't me!"

"I'm not blind I know what I saw. If you don't wanna get caught smoking, do it somewhere else."

"It wasn'tㅡ!"

"What's your deal? If you're here to justify your actions then you're making it worse. I don't have any time to listen to your nonsense. If you want to smoke don't do it in front of a security camera." Hyeri was so flustered. If what Minjeong said was true then Hyeri just dug her doom. Everyone in the class was just looking at the two. Then what happened next was something that I did expect to happen.

"Jimin, can you talk to Minjeong, please? She doesn't know what she's saying. I don't know why you guys are friends because you seem very normal to talk to." Why do I feel like this is Deja vu? And she said Minjeong was being unreasonable, in what part actually? Minjeong just sighs, probably Hyeri's nonsense irks her to the core.

And this girl. She called me normal... I have never been so insulted in my entire life. I'd like to say I'm the definition of a package deal; a sweetheart and a real smart-arse. Thank you very much!

"Please, Jimin?" She begs. I look at Minjeong who just gave me a bored expression.

"Hyeri, I don't know why you're asking my help. This issue is between you, Minjeong, and the adults. And I'm not actually sure what you wanted me to do, if your act was caught on cam, then shouldn't you apologize first?" I said. I look at Minjeong again and she's wearing a lowkey smile. I do feel bad for the girl, but what can I do?

"Youㅡbitch!" Okay, I take back what I said. Before I slap the crap out of this girl. Minjeong shielded me. That melts my heart thou.

"Mind your words Hyeri. Jimin had nothing to do with you in this issue. Don't involve her with your nonsense." There's a sense of accomplishment when you see Minjeong fighting for your sake. I feel so love and worthy. Hyeri stormed out of the room, defeated, shouting and cursing at us. I stick my tongue out at her.

"Are you okay?" Minjeong asks, looking a bit concern. I smile at her adoringly. This is a rare sight. I might need to print this to my brain. A worried-looking Minjeong is such a sight to see.

"Yea, I was going to punch her if you didn't step in."

"Yea, I can see that." She snorts. That just... made my day. Forget everything that happened, this is by far the most crucial thing to take in. A laughing Minjeong. I feel so... blessed. It's been a long time since I saw her laugh, and it feels so good. I would do everything just to make Minjeong laugh every time.


Jimin being desperate was my favorite part on this chapter. How about you guys? Hahahaha

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