Part 22

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Warning : Mature parts.All characters or scenarios  are purely imagination and not to offend any party. Please do read with an open mind.
Mihira sat the kitchen glancing at clock. Its was already ten PM and Yantra was not back yet. She bites her lips softly as she exhaled her breath.

" Mihi..." Latha called as the elder woman walked into the kitchen. Mihira gave a small smile at Latha.

" Yantra vantutana ma ?" She asked pouring a cup of water.

" Innum ille patti...Call poga matikithu," she said in a soft voice.

Latha exhaled her breath and nod. " Nee saptiya ?" She asked placing her hands comfortingly on Mihira's shoulders.

Mihira smile and nod her head. Both the ladies stood up and walked away as Superstar called Mihira's name. Mihira smiled and sat down next to Thalaivar and hand him his medicines while Latha placed the water infront if him. Super star  smiled and pat Mihira's head before consuming his medicine.

" Patti ithu unge medication," Mihira said passing the little purple container to Latha who smiled and nod her head.

The main door slammed shut making the three widen their eyes as Yantra strode inside tugging his tie. Mihira stood up and walked towards him as the man passed his briefcase to her.

Thailavar watched him sighing softly as he walked towards the elder man and hugged him and then hugged Latha before excusing himself upstairs.

Mihira walked out of the study and gave a small smile to her grandparents in law before excusing herself upstairs.

She padded into the bedroom, swallowing her saliva as she heard the shower running down, the water hitting the tiles with a swish sound. She grabbed the towel from the rack and knocked on the bathroom door before opening it.

Mihira squealed as Yantra hold her wrist tightly and pulled her into his arms. Mihira swallowed her saliva as she gazed into his fiercy eyes. The hot water running down her, drenching her hair and clothes as she closed her eyes moaning  feeling his rough hand all over her body.

Yantra's Adam's apple bobbed watching her tilt her head up as she mewled. He leaned towards her, holding her neck tightly as he pushed her gently towards the wall before ferociously attacking her lips.

Mihira practically melted as Yantra licked her lower lip, biting it to allow  his tongue to enter inside her mouth. She snaked her arms on his neck, clasping her hands together on the back of his neck while their tongues battled for dominance. His hands tugged her blouse, ripping it slightly making her groan inside his mouth.

Yantra panted and as leaned away form her, placing his head on the crook of her neck, biting the tender flesh as she caressed his hair.

" Is everything ok ?" She asked in a worried tone.

Yantra smiled and pressed a kiss on her collarbone. " Hmm, go get changed...I will come out shortly. " he said squeezing her backside making her clench her legs together.

Mihira sighed and changed her clothes before wrapping her hair with a towel. She walked back downstairs and entered the kitchen to heat his food. She waved the maid away and told the woman to come early tomorrow.

She smiled a little and brought the dishes into the table as Yantra walked in wiping his hair. He took a seat on the barstool as and watched his wife serving everything on his plate before bringing it over to him.

Yantra sighed and hold her wrist, twirling her into his arms before tearing a small portion of the chapati and bring it to her mouth. Mihira blushed and opened her mouth making him smirk and he placed the food into her mouth. Mihira chewed and swallowed the food before turning her face to him and placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

The Rockstar's Daughters ~ Book 2 of His Accidental Bride (Anirudh Ravichander)Where stories live. Discover now