Chapter 42

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Thara glanced at the clock as she sighed resignedly. In front of her Mrs Acutha and her 'society' friends were gossiping as they 'painted'.

It's been three weeks since she began teaching Mrs Achuta and the loud mouthed woman had told her clique that the Anirudh Ravichander's daugther is teaching her arts. Thus the next time Thara came over to that mansion, she was surrounded by these middle aged society wives who insisted on being taught as well. When Thara told them that she couldn't afford to visit all their homes, Mrs Acutha graciously offered the others to learn at her house leaving Thara no choice but to accept it.

Thara sighed and shook her head softly, as she walked over one Mrs Chopra and gently told her the trick of mixing the pastel colour. The woman smiled gently and nod her thanks before doing as instructed while the others gossiped and laughed boisterously.

" Yennama date ah ? Clock eh parkure," Mrs Pillai asked smirking at Thara.

Thara's eyes widened as she vehemently shook her head. The ladies laughed and pestered as they continued their 'art work'.

" I have a birthday party to attend actually," she said giving a shy smile.

The ladies nod and asked the details to which Thara replied as she corrected their brush holding techniques and commented on their painting.

Mrs Achuta's eyes widen as the door opened and Aaryn strode inside with little Alli. The woman stood up and beamed widely as the girl skipped towards her arms. Aaryn smirked and nod at the other ladies before giving his mother a small hug.

The girl's caretaker hurried forward and took the bag before ushering Alli inside. Aaryn gave a nod to Thara as he walked around the ladies, eying the easel. Thara gulped seeing his impassive face. She wringed her hand together seeing him walking back towards her.

Aaryn lowered his shades to the bridge of his nose. Thara's face flushed as she gazed into the man's chocolate brown eyes. She gasped softly feeling the butterflies on her stomach as his eyes shined with mirth when he winked at her before walking away.

Her heart throbbed loudly while her mind hurdled curses at her making her freeze for a moment.

Her cellphone started ringing making her jerk out of her trance. She smiled seeing her father's name blaring on the screen.

" Hello pa, Ah oru 15 mins...Oh OK no it's fine...Love you," she said and cut the call.

She cleared her throat and looked sheepishly at the women.

" Can we cut this session short? I will replace this 15 mins on the next session if it's alright." She asked biting her lips softly.

Mrs Gupta laughed and nod her head. The other ladies agreed and Mrs Acutha ushered them to the parlour while Thara cleared the painting items away.

" Do you need help?" Aaryn asked making Thara's gulp hearing his baritone voice in a husky tone against her ears. She shivered and quickly staggered away, ending up on the floor, groaning in pain as she hold her twisted foot.

Aaryn frowned and quickly squat down. His face darken slightly as she jerked away from his touch. He exhaled his breath and stood up hollering for a maid.

" Get this cleaned up and store Miss Sithara's painting items in the store room," he said.

The maid hurried to do his bidding while he held his hand at her. Thara swallowed her saliva and took his hand and got up.

" Are you OK?" He asked as she hobbled a little.

" Yes yes..." Thara said in a flustered tone. Aaryn nod and walked away. Thara smiled and thanked the maid who helped her open the door.

The Rockstar's Daughters ~ Book 2 of His Accidental Bride (Anirudh Ravichander)Where stories live. Discover now