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___________Damiano's pov________
   When we got to the hospital Ethan was still passed out. I was never as scared as I am now. Someone said just one of us can come inside with Ethan for now, so I went.

Voice: Hi! I am Jennifer, what happened to y-
Me: MARLENA? What the hell are you doing here? Get the fuck out, you destroyed Ethan's life, I don't want him to see you when he wakes up. Oh so now you name is Jennifer, huh? Tomorrow will be Monica?
Marlena: Listen to me, I am sorry for what I did, I was deeply in love with all of you and I couldn't choose. Now let's try to forget everything, there is no other nurse at this late, so either you let me fix Ethan, either he dies.
Me: Fine, but you can't let the others see you, it will be chaos.
Marlena: Now if I might ask, what the- happened to Ethan?
Me: He played the drums too much when we rehearsed the song, his nose started to bleed and he passed ou-
Ethan: Damiano? Where are we? Marlena? What is happening?
Marlena (whispering): Damiano, I would prefer you to get out a little so I can talk to him about what happened when he passed out, I will call you in a second.
Me: Hear me loud and clear, if you make him to fall in love with you again, I swear. I am an educated man, but I swear I will break your neck.
Marlena: Got it.

_________Ethan's pov____________

Marlena: Sweetie, do you remember what happened?
Me: Don't "sweetie" me. What the hell do you think happened, I passed out and now I don't even know where I am.
Marlena: Calm down, you are in a hospital.
Me: Oh, I see...Now heartbreakers get to be doctors and repair hearts. Ironic, isn't it?
Marlena: I know you passed out, tell me what happened before. What do you think it was the trigger?
Me: We rehearsed songs for next week's concert, played Truth or dare and then suddenly my nose started to bleed.
Marlena: I see...Did something happened to trigger adrenaline?
Me: Like?
Marlena: I don't know did you kiss Victoria, for example, and you liked it so much that your heart was beating out of your chest?
Me: That happened with you.
Marlena: Focus, try to remember.
Me: Yes, something like that happened, but now I'm okay, let me leave.
Marlena: I will do some blood tests and you are free to go.

_________Damiano's pov_________

Marlena: He is okay, I will do some blood tests and he is free to leave tomorrow. It's nothing wrong, he says that a kiss or something triggered his adrenaline getting him to pass out.
Me: Is this possible?
Marlena: Yes.

   I was kind of worried about Ethan's state, I shouldn't have forced him in the closet.

Me: Guys, Ethan is fine, they are doing some blood tests on him and he is free to leave with us tomorrow. I will sleep here, you can go to the hotel.
Victoria: We don't want to leave. We are sleeping in the car.
Thomas: Yes.
Me: Fine, I will sleep on the chair, beside him, to make sure nothing happens.

___________Ethan's pov___________

   I got up around 8am, Marlena wrote on a post-it that she did my blood tests and I can leave when I want. Then, I wanted to stand up and I saw Damiano sleeping on a chair next to me. It was the sweetest thing he ever did.

Damiano: Oh, you got up kitten?
Me: Why didn't you guys leave? I could have drive to the hotel and meet you there.
Damiano: Well, I wanted to stick up with you to make sure you are 100% okay.
Me: Oh, thank you Dami. Marlena said we can leave.
Damiano: Are you okay with the thought that you saw here again?
Me: There are still some feelings for her inside me, but I kinda got over it.
Damiano: Good. Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday?
Me: Not really.

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