01: License to Kill

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It's been eight years since Earth's Mightiest Heroes left the Avengers Initiative. You see, they'd had enough of the mistreatment from governments around the world and wanted to be appreciated. One year later, "The Avengers" became part of the ruthless Manhattan Mafia. This isn't your standard mafia story. In fact, it's the opposite. What happens when New York's most cold-blooded mafia decides not to finish their target?

"Romanoff reporting. Target 643 has been eliminated."

"Good. Report back to the safe house."

"On my way, Rogers."

"Parker. Target status?"

"In pursuit, Rogers."

"Get on it. We have a meeting with the Don in an hour."

"I'll be there."

Back in the safe house, the Don waits for his team to provide the day's summary.

"Today's missions have been completed, sir."

"Good, Rogers. Without a trace, I hope?"

"As always, sir."

The Don clasps his hands in front of him, taking a deep breath in.

"I'm here to report your next objective. Target's name is Alexandra Knight. She's a Russian spy employed by the Bureau to investigate local drug cartels. Your mission is simple. Kill her. And leave no traces."

Rogers nods. "Yes, sir. We'll organize that right away."

"Before you do, I need all hands on deck. Knight isn't an easy catch, we've been after her for decades. I've given you this mission because you've proven your reliability. I expect nothing less than what I've seen so far. Understand?"

"Understood. You can count on us, Don."

"I know I can. Get to work."

"So who is this Alexandra Knight girl? Why does the Don want her dead?" Romanoff asks the group while flipping through data files.

"You usually don't ask questions, Romanoff... I hope your emotions aren't resurfacing." Rogers raises his eyebrow.

"That was six years ago, and you never shut up about it. Is it wrong to want to know?"

"In this business, yes. We do what the Don wants us to do. Knight is just another target."

Barnes reloads his gun, interrupting the conversation. "What?"

"Nothing, Barnes. Any info on the target?" Rogers asks.

"She'll be in Brooklyn tomorrow evening. I say we finish her then." Barnes suggests.

Rogers nods. "Good. Parker, load up on bullets. We've got a target to eliminate."

Parker pulls out packs of bullets from his pocket. "Way ahead of you. Load em up, team."

Barnes passes a box of bullets to Parker. "You'll need these."

"Hell yeah I will. We need knives, too. Are you all stocked up?" Parker asks the group.

"Hand me one, Parker!" Romanoff shouts from the other room. Parker throws a knife straight towards her, and Romanoff catches it without a blink.

"Good catch."

Romanoff winks. "I know."

After loading up on standard weaponry, the team discusses possible plans of attack.

"No, Rogers, we can't just kill the target in public. What are we, rookies?" Romanoff shakes her head.

"That's not what I said, Romanoff-"

"I don't really care what you said. It was a shitty idea, anyway."

Barnes breaks the silence. "Kidnap her."

Parker lifts his head from the notepad. "What?"

"We'll kidnap her. Finish the job, then dispose of the body." Barnes announces.

Romanoff shakes her head. "Kidnap her and take her where? Here? Our only safe house? Hell no."

"It won't matter if we eliminate her anyway."

Parker nods in agreement. "Barnes has a point."

Rogers chimes in. "We've got tape and rope right here. It could work."

"Are you guys in?" Barnes looks around at the team.

After a moment of silence, Rogers answers the question. "We're in."

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