13: Vanished

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James wakes up to an empty bed. His heart skips a beat as he shoots up from the sheets in panic. He listens closely for any sounds from the kitchen... Perhaps you're making breakfast?


"Alexandra?" He calls out, his voice echoing through the empty walls.

This doesn't seem right...

"Alexandra? Are you in here?"


He rushes down the stairs in nothing but his briefs, looking inside every room, shoving open doors and slamming them shut in his wake. He grows furious. His woman is gone. Without a blink.

"What the fuck do you mean you lost her?!" Rogers booms, making the flower vase on the table shake.

"She was right here, Rogers. Right here. She couldn't have gone far."

"You're an idiot. I told you not to trust her. I KNEW  we should've just killed her when we had the chance."

"THAT'S ENOUGH! " James lunges forward, wrapping his fingers around the handle of his pocketknife, "Choose your next words very wisely."

"Yeah? What are you gonna do, Barnes? Stab me? Go ahead." Rogers raises his eyebrow, pushing all of his buttons.

"Shut up, Rogers. Just shut up." James huffs a cold breath before sitting down, cracking his knuckles loudly.

"Have you found her yet?" Romanoff walks in, just missing the argument.

"No. We're fucked  if the Don finds her before we do."

"You know what, Rogers? We were FUCKED anyway, alright?" James shoots up from his seat and storms out, having enough of Rogers' terrible attitude.

Come on, Alexandra... Where are you?

Truthfully, you don't know where you're going. All you know is one thing: You need to run. You must get as far away from here as possible. And fast. Tears stream down your cheeks as you sprint through the tall trees and thick bushes, feeling the leaves scrape against your skin.

This is all you know. This is your life... running. Ever since the Don, you've never been able to trust anyone but yourself. You simply can't afford to. And so, while James searches far and near for you, your feet carry you far away, to a place you don't quite know yet. Yet, you're okay with not knowing, you're no stranger to the unknown.

You stop at the sight of a taxi. Yes. Waving your hand high in the air in hopes the driver will see, you run to the edge of the curb. Sure enough, the cab stops right at your feet, and you waste no time in pulling the door open and stepping inside.

"Where to, Miss?"

"Anywhere. Take me far from here."

After what feels like a lifetime of driving, the cab slows to a stop in a completely different place, "Where are we?"


Good. 700 miles away, they won't find me here.

"Thank you so much. Is this enough?" You hand him a roll of hundreds, hoping it's enough for the whole ride.

It only takes him one look before nodding, "Yes, Miss. Thank you so much."

"No, thank you."

You open the door and step out, taking a breath of the new air. It feels good to be away... to be free.

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