08: An Unexpected Invitation

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"Knight! Get up!" A woman with red hair crouches down in front of you with a worried expression on her face.

"Damn it, Romanoff!"

"Shut it, Rogers. Come on, Knight, wake up!" She shakes you violently.

"N-No... NO!" You shoot up from your chair, waking up with tears in your eyes, "W-What's happening?!" You look around, filled with anguish.

"You're safe. You were having a nightmare." A familiar voice comes from the other side of the room. Barnes.

You stare at him, wide-eyed and hyperventilating. You shake your head, scared to your core. He walks towards you, making you tremble in fear.

"Calm down," He kneels down in front of you, "It was a nightmare."

"I...Where am I, Barnes?"

He raises his eyebrow, "Alexandra, take a breath."

"I-I can't-"

"Breathe." His voice is firm as he eyes you carefully, sensing your apparent fear.

You breathe in a shaky breath and focus on his eyes as you breathe out. Slowly, everything starts to come back, and you nod as if to say "I'm okay."

He makes his way behind you and unties you, shocking everyone else.

"Barnes! What are you-"

"Shut up, Rogers. She won't do anything," He turns to you, "Right?"

You nod slowly.


Once your hands are free, you rest them in your lap as everybody stares, ready to fight if need be. Romanoff, the woman from earlier, flips a knife over in her hands with impeccable skill. Parker, the young man you hadn't seen in a while, fidgets with a bullet. Rogers keeps his eye on you, gritting his teeth in anger. Barnes, on the other hand, lays perfectly still, no weapons in hand. You notice how his Alexander McQueen dress shirt hugs his muscles, how his hair is perfectly swooped back. Not a strand out of place.

Suddenly, there's a ring. Incoming call. Rogers answers it in a cool tone, "Yes?"

You try to listen to the other line, but it's too faint for you to make out who it is.

"Ah, yes. How are you doing?"

Muffled words from the other line. Rogers' expression drops, "Oh..."

A moment of hesitation, "We actually can't make it, Don."

You freeze at the name. His name. Barnes notices your tension and brisks towards you, holding your hand in his, "Breathe."

You nod slowly, keeping quiet.

"Yes, but we have targets-" Rogers continues over the phone before sighing, "Alright. We'll be there." He hangs up the phone and slams it on the table with a pang.

"What is it?" Romanoff asks.

"It's the Don. He wants us at his annual fundraiser tonight."

"We can't make it, Rogers. She can't come."

"I know, Romanoff, but we can't say no to the Don. If he wants us there, we have to be there."

"Rogers. We have no other choice here..." Parker interrupts the conversation.

"Seriously, Parker?"

Barnes breaks the tension, "Parker's right. We have to take her. She can't be trusted alone-"

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