03: Hostage

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Remember that Pros and Cons list? Let's revisit them. The Pros of being part of a mafia group include being a badass, firing a gun, and the adrenaline rush. The Cons include, but are not limited to: zero days off and second-guessing whether or not the target should die. Those damn emotions...

"What? I don't understand-"

"You will. Put your hands where I can see them." Rogers interrupts.

Here are your options: You can either comply with his orders and likely die within the next five minutes, or you could fight back. It's an easy choice. Rogers reaches out and grabs your wrists, but you knee him where it hurts most, following with an uppercut to his jaw. It only takes a split second before the sound of firing guns fill the air. Unluckily for you, help isn't usually waiting on 31st Street. Fighting it is. You fiddle with your waistbag and pull out one of many knives. With each blink, a new knife flies through the air. One of your knives slices through one of the men's skin. He doesn't look familiar, so you continue fighting.

"SHIT!" The man yells, pointing his gun at your leg. But it was already too late. The bullet was already in. You fall to the ground, making your final desperate attempts to kick and fight back, until...


"Damn, Barnes. She got you good."

"Shut up, Romanoff. Fuck, that was a sharp knife."

"Yeah, it's a knife, dumbass. They're usually sharp."


"We're almost there, sit tight."

You'd think being a Russian Spy gives you experience with gunshot wounds. And yet, they're still excruciating. Every damn time.

"She's waking up. Hurry and get her inside."

You feel hands carrying you out of the car and into some sort of building... an apartment? You wince at the throbbing pain in your leg as they lug you inside.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" A man asks sarcastically. His voice sounds familiar.

A second later, you're propped onto a chair. You recognize one person out of all of them: The man from the convenience store. He walks behind you and ties your hands to the back of the chair a little too tightly. You wince at the pain. He does the same to your feet, securing you in place. Your head flops to the side, giving in to the blood loss from the gunshot wound.

"Why are you tying her up? Just kill her already." The man argues. Your eyes finally focus, and you realize the man speaking is the one you stabbed... The one who shot you.

"Why don't we wait for her to wake up? You know, have a little fun with her?" Rogers smirks.

"You know we're not allowed to do that. Easy kill, that's what the Don said, Rogers."

"You're so boring. We've been doing this for years and never had a little fun. Come on, Barnes. Loosen up."


A woman who you also recognize as one of the fighters from earlier walks up to you, bringing her face directly in front of yours. She scans your features and looks you up and down.

"She's kinda pretty. Too bad she's a target."

"Come on, Romanoff. That was unprofessional." Rogers criticizes.

"So is kidnapping the targets. But here we are." She points around the room.

"I..." You struggle to get the words out.

"Shit!" Romanoff exclaims, "Get me the gun!"

"N-No... Please..."

"Don't waste your breath, Knight. We have orders to kill you." A younger man, Parker, crosses his arms.

"T-The Don... Did he... order you to... kill me?"

Romanoff lowers her gun, "What did you just say?"

Your breaths get choppy.

"She knows the Don." Parker answers her question, "Why does he want her dead?"

At this point, everybody is staring at you as you sit helpless in front of them.

"I can't kill her." Romanoff sets her gun on the table, "You guys do it."

Rogers swallows. "How does she know the Don?"

Barnes shakes his head, "He's hiding something from us."

Parker steps forward, "Something big."

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