07: Fate

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Alexandra Knight is no ordinary woman. Of course, being a Russian Spy makes you different, but it is her story that truly makes her unique. Being the victim of a toxic marriage, she doesn't trust just anyone that she meets. In fact, she doesn't trust anyone but herself. In her defense, it eliminates any future pain and heartbreak... Right?

TW: Flashbacks of emotional and physical abuse. Blood warning. You won't miss anything important about the story if you skip this chapter!

"And where do you think you're going looking like that?"

"Don, I'm going out with my friends, I already told you this!" You clasp an exquisite diamond necklace around your neck.

"Take the dress off. Now."

His voice is serious. Grave. Like the devil. He stares at you with his damn eyes, the ones that see nothing but violence.


"NOW!" The boom of his yell echoes around you, making you tremble with fear as you unzip the dress, "And don't you EVER talk back to me again!"

You nod slowly, quivering like a the scared little fawn you are.

"ANSWER ME!" He raises his hand high in the air before slamming it down, leaving a stinging red mark on the side of your cheek.


"Yes WHAT?" His voice is monstrous, as if an earthquake lies within each of his words.

"Y-Yes sir..."

"Good. Wear something else, then you can go." He plants a rough kiss on your trembling forehead before leaving the bedroom, closing the door gently behind him. His actions aren't surprising, they don't shock you anymore. But they always scare you.

You lean against the wall, allowing the salty tears to wash over your burning cheeks, still feeling the agonizing slap on your delicate skin. You rise from the wall and walk to the mirror, whimpering at what lies in front of you. You look unrecognizable. The fresh red mark on your cheek is among one of many on your body, the subtle reminders of his evilness.

Your once-perfect makeup is now a tangle of mascara and red lipstick running down your face, ruining your porcelain skin. You know you have to get out of here, but you can't. Knowing the Don, there are guards everywhere, ensuring his little sex toy would stay right here for him, ready to satisfy his every need.

Regardless, you eye the window. It's risky, being that you're on the fifth floor. But nothing can hurt you more than him, that you know. You sniffle, knowing that one day he will kill you if you don't leave now.

You take a deep breath, looking around the room, eyeing his work drawer The forbidden drawer. You lean over the window, scanning the atmosphere for any guards. Nothing.

But it can't be... he always has guards out there. He has to.

But what if he doesn't?

You quickly take your chances, weighing out all the options. You take a deep breath, accepting your possible fate. Fluttering your eyes closed, you climb out of the window, feeling the wind blow through your dress as you fall down...



On the grass. Surprisingly, the fall wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, and you dust yourself off and get straight to running. You don't know where you're going, after all, the Don has you situated far from civilization, but you are determined to make your way out of here. You have to. Your life depends on it.

You run as fast as your feet can take you, through the trees, past the bushes, through the prickly thorns, feeling them scrape and scratch against your skin. Yet you keep running, stopping for nothing until you see a glimmer of light in the distance. A tiny speck of warmth in front of you, giving you a speckle of hope.

As you run closer to the light, you hear it. The monstrous sound of his voice creeping towards you.

"Alexaaaandra... Where are you, darling? I know you're here. Come out, now..."

The Don. Right in front of you.

He flips open a pocketknife and lunges at you, yanking your bruised body towards him.

"NO! PLEASE HELP ME! HELP!" You scream and kick to no avail, your tiny body is nothing compared to his.

"SHUT UP! HOW DARE YOU RUN AWAY FROM ME!" He flashes the pocketknife, aiming it right at the center of your neck. One move and your entire neck would be sliced open with ease.

"P-Please Don... P-Please don't kill me..." Your sobs are heavy as you fight to keep still.

"I've had enough of you. Goodbye, Alexandra." He plunges the knife into your neck, and you cry in pain.

Your sobs and screams fade away, until all you can hear is silence.

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