27: The Plan

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Being a spy has its perks. For one, you're always doing something, which is perfect for people who can't stand sleeping in. But the greatest benefit of all is the connections you make with other agents. Having connections in the business pays off, especially when you know they'll be there in times of need.

The couple of days following your alarming series of hallucinations are spent devising a plan to take down Ivan and the Red Room. Through hours' worth of arguing and planning with the group, the final conclusion is drawn: only two individuals will go directly inside the organization.

You and Romanoff.

Given both your pasts with Ivan, it's a no-brainer. Yet, the dissatisfaction coming from James is enough to halt the process, "It's not smart. If something happens in there... We lose both of you. It's not wise."

Growing impatient at his feeble attempts to hold you back, you snap back, "James. The risk will be there no matter what. I'm done sitting here when my people are in danger. I'm going in whether you agree or not, so choose which side you're on, and choose fast."

He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, letting his walls down for the first time since the start of the planning session. As difficult as it is to see him in such state, you can't deny the feeling of confidence bubbling inside you.

You can take him down.

"What's our job, then?" He points to Rogers and Parker, who have been standing silently in the corner throughout the majority of the conversation.

"Keep an eye out. Make sure nobody finds out we're there."

A light chuckle flutters through his lips. "And?"

"And nothing. That isn't as easy as you think. It'll take the both of you to get the job done."

"She's right. Ivan's got the facility well-secured. We need you both on board for this to work." Romanoff adds.

After an ear-splitting silence, everyone nods. Although Steve, James, and Parker think that's the entirety of your ploy to get rid of Ivan, you and Romanoff are well aware that this is only the half of it. The plan is near-perfect, but you require nothing short of perfection to even have a chance at killing Ivan.

You need backup.

"Can Romanoff and I have a moment alone?" You usher Romanoff to the side as the others watch.

"We need backup. If we go in like this, Ivan can take us down with his pinky finger."

"Agreed. Who do you have in mind?"

"No one. The only people I can think of... hell, they probably wish I was dead. You?"

"Same here. Think of anyone, any contacts that might be of help. Let me know if anyone comes to mind."

As she exits the kitchen, your gears start churning. You need someone from the inside who knows Ivan just as well as you do. Someone who isn't afraid to shed someone else's blood. Someone who has motive to kill Ivan.

The flashbacks of your time in the Red Room play like a record in your mind, and two women peak your interest.


and Anya.

Two women you know you can trust, but can they trust you? Didn't you kill your friend, your ally in front of their very eyes? How can they trust that you won't do the same to them?

You must take this chance. You must reach out to them. The cards may be stacked against you, but this is a chance you're willing to take. Not that you even have a choice.

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