31: End of Malice

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The facility looks the same. Old training rooms filled with dust, weapons closets at every turn. But that's not what you're here for. You're here to make shit right. Undo the past. 

"Anya, secure the rooms here. Make sure nobody's in our way. I'll handle the second floor." 

"On it." She turns to leave, but she pauses and turns around, "Alex? I'll see you once all this is over." 

"Damn right you will." 

As she runs off, you take a deep breath and hurry up the stairs to the second floor. 

There they were, all lined up. As if they had been expecting you. 

"All right, then. Here we go." 

You pull out your gun and shoot the soldiers in the leg, making sure not to kill any of them. The ear-splitting sound of bullets raining over you and knives being thrown from all angles takes you by surprise. You had almost forgotten the training here: Maximum damage. That's what he wants? Fine. You point and shoot in your own rhythm, getting as many soldiers as you can. Your gun sounds like a drum with all the bullets being fired. 

The moment you run out of ammo, you switch to your knives, saving the daggers for last. Just in case. Tapping into your time as a student here, you aim straight for their knees, stopping them right in their tracks. 

The battle didn't last too long. Being raised here had its perks, you think to yourself. Guess I know all their weak spots. 

You tiptoe past the bodies, knowing they won't be getting up for a while. Little do you assholes know, I just saved you. You pass painted-red doors, their knobs covered in dried blood from those that didn't last. Memories flood your mind, but you push them out. Not now. Not now

You stop at the door in front of you, "Центр управления". Control Center. You kick the door in, throwing a knife straight at the shocked security guard in front of you. The knife lodges itself in his side, and he wails in agony. 

"Выключи его."
[Turn it off]

"О чем ты говоришь?"
[What are you talking about?]

You know damn well what I'm talking about. 

"Отмените команду, которая управляет женщинами. СЕЙЧАС ЖЕ!"
[Reverse the command that controls the women. NOW!]

You push the knife deeper into his side, threatening the worst if he doesn't comply. He screams in pure pain before giving in and nodding his head quickly. 

He types a few lines of code into the system before turning to you, "Дело сделано."
[It's done]

"Хорошо. Ваша работа здесь закончена."
[Good. Your job here is done.]

He gives you a confused look before gasping, propelling all the air he can into his lungs. You push the knife in deeper, feeling it hit a bone. He falls to his knees, unable to say a single word. Without warning, you twist the handle deeper, watching him with intense contact. 

"Ты знал, что делал. Для всех нас."
[You knew what you were doing. To all of us.]

He whimpers for a second longer before his head flops back, body going limp. You take a deep breath, reassuring yourself. You never enjoyed this part of the mission: the killing. But you don't just take down an evil organization by asking nicely, either. 

Checking his pulse and confirming his death to yourself, you make your way out of the facility. Slowly this time, as if to absorb everything. 

It's over. 

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