17: Save Our Girl

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"You! Get yourself a chair and put that wrench to good use."

Like the spineless idiot he is, one of Don's men follows his order and sits next to you, paying no mind to the blood still dripping down your neck.

"Let's see those pretty fingers, darling. Now, which one should we start with?" The Don yanks your hand into the man's lap, situating his wrench between your pointer finger, making it clear that he will break it with no hesitation if you don't read what's on the card soon. You writhe and cry out in pain at his grip, but it doesn't phase him in the slightest. In fact, it annoys him more that you're resisting him.

"ENOUGH! Now be a good girl and read what's on the card. And why don't you cry a little? Put on a show?"

He presses down on the wrench just hard enough to make you scream in agony, but not hard enough to cause any long-term damage. Yet. Hot tears well up in your eyes as you attempt to sniffle them away to no avail. As they drip down the side of your cheeks, the Don's face lights up.

What a fucking monster, you think to yourself, growing angrier and more terrified by the second. He moves to the side and props up a camera, giving you the OK to play your part.

"3...2...1, action!" As if it's a game.

You take a deep breath, knowing full well that if you don't do this right now, you'll lose a finger and most likely your life.

"Barnes... Romanoff... Rogers... Parker... I'm alive. For now. The Don has promised me no harm as long as you come. The Don won't hurt you, nor will he punish you for your acts only if you come to the Westside Warehouse in West Adams Street, Chicago at eleven tonight..."

You turn back, sniffling back the tears. The man's hold on the wrench tightens as he pushes down on your finger. You cry out, feeling the pain of your finger bending more and more with each passing second.

"P-Please s-save me."

Beep. As soon as the camera turns off, you let go of everything, sobbing uncontrollably in your lap, helplessly. The man removes your finger from between the wrench and goes back to forcefully tying them behind your back. The heart-wrenching sound of your sobs fill the room until the Don places his hand on your chin, lifting your head up to meet his.

"N-NO! LET GO OF ME!" You scream and thrash to no avail, terrified of him and his cold touch.

He smiles down at you carelessly and swipes his rough thumb across your face, wiping your tears away.

"Well done, darling. Now we wait."

With that, he walks away, leaving you alone with his sea of monsters watching over you in the dull, dark warehouse. The ceiling lights flicker as the sound of his footsteps gets weaker and lighter until the door slams shut, signaling his exit.

Hurry... Please save me.


James rushes to his phone, thinking, no, hoping  it has something to do with you. A text message from an unknown number. Click. His eyes widen when he sees the cover of the video.


"What?! How do you know?" Romanoff rushes to get a better look. Her once relieved expression quickly fades into a grim one, realizing what happened.

She swallows slowly, turning the phone to him, "Barnes. Don found her."

Those three words shake his life like an earthquake. Those three words, the words he can never erase from his memory, solidify every emotion he has for you. And those three words are enough to make him ball his fists and slam them hard  into the kitchen table, knocking over the flower vase that was once standing peacefully on its own.

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