28: Seek the Kill

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"You can write a letter to them."

"A letter? The moment they see my name, they're going to throw it away... it's no use."

James shrugs before returning to thought, "So, what's your plan? You can't just drop everything and hunt for them, Alexandra."

It takes a moment for it to hit you, but when it does, the realization tingles every muscle in your being. "That's exactly what I need to do."

James sits up in his seat, listening attentively, "What?"

"The only way to reach them is by going there. Myself. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless they're already off the grid."

It wouldn't be out of the question for Alina and Anya to escape the dangers of the Red Room: to dissociate from that world. Still, a part of you is desperate to believe that they are still somewhere there... lurking in the shadows. Waiting for their chance to kill Ivan.

As dangerous as it is, you're willing to go to extreme lengths to get the job done. The note that Ivan sent was clearly written with urgency, and you must act accordingly.

We want you back...

By the end of the week.

Time is not on your side. There are mere days, no, hours, before Ivan's men find you themselves, and with less than six days to find your backup, it's clear the clock is ticking against your will.

The choice isn't yours to make. It isn't James's, either. This choice has already been made for you, courtesy of Ivan. Whatever it takes to get to Alina and Anya, you must do it. Not just for yourself, but for the entirety of the Red Room. For the hundreds of women who died fighting it. Running from it.

"I'm going to Russia."

"Stop! Just wait a second, think this through!"

James rushes to keep up with your movements. The noise escapes your ears as you stuff everything in your reach into a black duffel bag.

"Damn it, Alexandra! Would you just stop fucking packing for a second and listen to me?" James's hands land atop your shoulders, halting your movements. You look up for the first time in what feels like ages. His eyes are bloodshot, filled with anxiety and panic.

"I'm sorry, James. I need to go." As you turn away, James stops you again.

"Look at me."

You keep your head held low, doing all you can to avoid his eyes.

"Look at me."

He cups your face in his palms and lifts your eyes to meet his. A single tear rolls down your cheek, your lips sealed shut.

"Talk to me, bellezza. Please, just talk to me."

You shake your head, afraid of saying a single word. "I can't."

"Yes, you can. Why won't you walk me through this? Just tell me what you're trying to do." His voice is calm and light, despite the sped-up energy in the room. He speaks slowly, allowing you to take in each of his words.

"I need to find them." Your voice is shaky and nothing more than a whisper, the words barely escaping your lips. "I just need to find them."

"Why do you need to find them?"

"Because they can help me..."


"They can help me kill Ivan."

Your words are all new to James. He takes a moment to recuperate to compose his next thought. "So you were going to kill Dmitriev without telling me?"


"No. You need to explain all of it. Your plan, your thoughts, everything." He walks you to an open chair and, unable to do anything else at the moment, you sit.

"The note said I have a week to return, James. He wants me back. But I don't want to go back there unless it's to kill him."

"What do Alina and Anya have to do with it?"

"They are the only people I know who have motive to kill him."

He nods, "And you're sure they would help you do this?"


"I have to be. They are my only chance at doing this."

"Okay. Let's find them."

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