16: Captive

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"Wake the fuck up!" Don's booming voice bounces around the empty warehouse. His bulky arms violently shake your fragile body, completely unfazed at the blood still dripping from the gunshot wound on your stomach.

Your eyes flutter open, and the pain washes over you like a tsunami. Pangs of stinging and throbbing agony travel through your veins, making it hard to breath. Unable to form words, your head flops to the side as you blink back the tears.

Don must've been exhausted from having to keep tabs on you the entire night. He cracks his knuckles and brings his leg up, kicking you hard in the side. The loud crunch accentuates the impact, making it clear that he had broken a rib or two.

You cry out in agony, wailing in utter pain. All the while, the Don smirks down at you, admiring the view. You get the words out through loud cries, "W-Why..."

He grabs an old wooden chair and plops down in front of you, "Quiet. Now, Alexandra. I'm going to give you an easy task, and it is in your best interest to cooperate. Understand?"


He smiles that mischievous smile that fools most women in an instant. "Good. You're going to be a good girl and call Barnes-"


His name alone makes your stomach do cartwheels. Your mind replays each memory, making you wish you had stayed.

"HEY!" You're interrupted by the Don's thundering voice, "I'm only saying this once. ONCE!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Always so apologetic. How pathetic. I am giving you a very simple task, Alexandra. All I need you to do, darling, is to read what is written on this card word for word. Understand?" His grin is predatory. His eyes are menacing as he pierces into your soul with one look.

He drops a small notecard into your lap and you look down, your eyes wide at what the card reads:

"Barnes, Romanoff, Rogers, Parker... I'm alive. For now. The Don has promised me no harm as long as you come. The Don won't hurt you, nor will he punish you for your acts only if you come to the Westside Warehouse in West Adams Street, Chicago at eleven tonight. Please save me."

It takes a moment to regain your composure. When you finally do, you turn your head up slowly, as if to buy yourself time, and look up at him through glassy eyes, "Y-You want me to say this?"

"Yes, darling. And if you don't..." With a flick of his wrist, one of his men flash a bulky wrench and the other flips a sharp breadknife in his hands, feeling the long blade with his fingertip.

He turns back to you, "You know the rest, love."

Why am I here? Why am I in this situation? I didn't have a choice but to go. To run. This isn't my fault... It can't be.

"Okay. I'll do it."

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