Chapter 1: Visiter from beyond the stars

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It was a sunny day in the rural country area of Vale, it wasn't too hot, nor too cool. A farmer was gathering hay into the back of his pickup truck, while smoking a cigarette. The farmer wore a yellow plaid shirt, and over that he wore a pair of overalls while wearing a straw hat. After a while, he finished gathering hay and leaned back against the truck.

"Whew! Welp, that about does it." The farmer said.

The farmer proceeded to remove his hat to wipe the sweat from his brow, and used the hat as a fan. Then he heard a strange noise, looking around he couldn't find where it was coming from. Then he looked up, and saw an object falling from the sky! Then the object landed, causing the ground to shake and all the natural wildlife to scatter. The farmer was both shocked and terrified as he held onto his truck for balance.

"W-What was that! S-Some kind of meteor, a UFO?!" The farmer stuttered.

He quickly went into his truck and decided to see this meteor for himself. He drove towards where he saw the meteor had landed, until he saw a large crater in the distance. He slowly got out of his truck, while brandishing a lever action rifle. As he neared closer, he saw the size of the crater and the meteor inside. However; what he initially thought to be a meteor was in fact a small white pod! The pod had a circular violet window in the front, and what seemed like a door in the front. The farmer couldn't believe his eyes, was this a UFO? The farmer kept an eye on the white pod, until he heard a hissing noise. Then, the pod door began to open! The farmer stood back and tightened his grip on his rifle. The doors to the pod opened fully, and a person stepped out of it! The person appeared to be a woman in her early to mid thirties, she wore a pair of white gloves and boots, a yellow stocking on her right leg and a pink Unitard. She also wore a black armored chest piece, and had a strange device on the left side of her face with a small green glass screen covering her dark lavender eye. She had a black spiked bowl cut, and an ear ring on her right ear.

The woman floated gently out of the crater and onto the ground in front of the now terrified farmer

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The woman floated gently out of the crater and onto the ground in front of the now terrified farmer.

"W-Who are y-you?!" The farmer stuttered in fear.

The woman said nothing, and pressed a button on the device on the side of her face.



The woman smirked.

"Hmph, you only have a power level of five? How pathetic." The woman said.

She then started to walk towards the terrified farmer. The farmer quickly aimed his rifle towards her.

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