Chapter 8: Nappa's Rampage!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

The Saiyan's, Vegeta and Nappa had deployed their minions, the Saibaimen, to fight against Remnant's warriors. Cardin was the first one to fight, and doing so, he utterly defeated the Saibaman sent to fight him. Angered, Vegeta killed the Saibaiman, to remined the others that this will be their fate if they fail. Shocked by Vegeta's cruelty, Jaune volunteered to fight next, but Neptune told Jaune that he will be the one to fight next. His explanation, was that Jaune was wished back by the Dragon Balls, he hasn't. His fight with the Saibaiman was an even fight. Until it seemed that Neptune had won, the downed Saibaiman leaped up, and wrapped it's limbs around Neptune! Then, the Saibaiman blew itself up, Killing Neptune! Enraged, both Sun and Weiss unleashed massive Ki attacks towards the remaining Saibaimen, and the Saiyan's. But to everyone's horror, the Saiyan's weren't even injured! Will our heroes hold out until Oren arrives?

(Play 1:02)

Nappa's Rampage!


Nappa continued to power up until he was covered in a golden aura. Then, Nappa's eyes began to wander to one of the warriors in front of him. His eyes fell upon Yang. Nappa smirked, then dashed towards her, fast enough before anyone could move. Nappa brought out his fist, and proceed to bring it down. Seeing his attack, Yang brought up her right arm, in hopes of blocking Nappa's attack. As his fist collided with her arm, Yang felt a numbing pain spread across her forearm. Yang shook as she looked down at her right arm as it hung limply, indicating that it was broken. Unbeknownst to Yang, was that Nappa was readying for another attack. Nappa brought his arm up in a chopping motion.

"Yang, watch out!" Piccolo yelled.

Yang looked up, and saw Nappa bringing his arm down!

"Get out of there!" Piccolo yelled once more.

However, Piccolo's warning came too late, as Nappa's fist once again made contact with Yang's forearm, cutting it off.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Yang screamed in agony.

"YANG!!" Ruby and Blake screamed. 

From the sidelines, Vegeta saw how Nappa had severed Yang's arm, and chuckled.

"Hah! Well, would you look at that. She's been...disarmed!" Vegeta said cruelly.

Ignoring the pain, Yang jumped high into the air to ready an attack. Her eyes had turned a blood red, and her hair began to glow!

"I-I'LL KILL YOU!!" Yang screamed in rage.

She brought her left arm up to shoot a KI blast. Before she could unleash her attack, Nappa jumped high up into the air as well, and brought his leg up and smashed it into the back of Yang's head. Yang proceeded to fall to the ground, unconscious. Ruby, and the rest of her team went to check if she was alright. While everyone else turned towards Nappa. Fasha charged forward, then disappeared. She then reappeared behind Nappa, in hopes of catching him off guard. Unfortunately, Nappa turned around, slamming the back of his fist to her face, knocking her back. While he was distracted, Cardin and Velvet shot Kamehameha's towards Nappa. Nappa saw the two oncoming blasts, and jumped in the air to dodge them. Both Cardin and Velvet jumped after him, with Cardin in the front, and Velvet in the back. Seeing both of them, Nappa quickly went for Cardin first.

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