Chapter 13: Oren's Rampage!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Vegeta had transformed into an Oozaru! While dodging Vegeta's attacks, Oren came to the horrifying conclusion that he was the monster that killed his mother! Vowing to defeat Vegeta, Oren decided that he had to use the Spirit bomb! Using the Solar Flare, Oren found a spot to gather the lifeforce from every living thing on Remnant. Oren had managed to gather energy, but Vegeta injured him in the process. Before Vegeta could harm Oren any further, Ruby, Blake, Fasha, and Jaune had arrived! Cutting off Vegeta's tail, Oren gave Jaune the Spirit Bomb in order to defeat Vegeta, once and for all. Despite being hit with the Spirit Bomb, Vegeta managed to survive! But unbeknownst to Vegeta, was that Oren's tail had grown back! Looking into the false moon created by Vegeta, Oren too transformed into an Oozaru! Will Oren be able to distinguish friend, from foe?

(Play 1:02)

Oren's Rampage!


Fasha's word's echoed in Oren's head. All his life, he was told to never once look at the moon, so much so that he was practically scared of it. But it wouldn't hurt to look at it, besides, his tail is gone, so what's the harm? Oren looked into the sky, admiring the big glowing ball in the sky. It looked pretty, no, beautiful actually. Oren then began to feel a familiar tingling feeling, a feeling he hadn't felt a long, long time. Oren's eyes widened, and his breath began to hitch. His onyx pupils began to turn blood red. Meanwhile, Vegeta was continuously punching Blake in the face.


He then punched Blake into a wall and pinned her. Blake's face was covered in bruises, scrapes, and her nose was bloody. Vegeta raised his fist again to punch once more, but stopped after hearing something that got his attention.


It sounded like a heartbeat. Vegeta's eyes widened, and turned his head towards Oren's direction.

"No!" Vegeta cried out.

Vegeta began to run towards Oren.

"No! NO! NO!" Vegeta yelled.

Vegeta leaped into the air to land a blow, but stopped when Oren's Gi pant's began to rip apart! Oren's skin turned dark brown, as black fur began to grow around his body! Oren's face began to shift into a snout, as fangs began growing out of his mouth, while his eyes turned red! Vegeta was angered that he was too late, so he resorted to punching Oren in order to stop his transformation.

"YOU LITTLE BASTARD! I WON'T LET YOU TRANSFORM! I WON'T!" Vegeta yelled, while continuing to punch Oren, but to no avail.

Oren continued to grow larger and larger, Jaune looked on in both amazement, and horror.

"O-Oren can turn into that?!" Jaune exclaimed.

Ruby slowly made her way next to Jaune, and kneeled next to him.

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