Chapter 10: Oren's Silent Fury!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren had made it back across Snake Way! However, back on Remnant, thing's weren't looking so well for our heroes. After learning of Oren's resurrection, Vegeta ordered Nappa to kill the heroes in order to prevent them from gaining an advantage. Ruby demonstrated her strength towards Nappa , infuriating the larger Saiyan. Nappa released a powerful Ki blast towards Ruby, however, Piccolo jumped in front of her taking the blast head on. Piccolo would unfortunately die from his wounds, and in doing so, Kami dies as well. Enraged, Ruby fires her Masenko at Nappa, who swatted it away. As Nappa was about to crush Ruby, Oren arrived in time to save her. Enraged that his friends were killed by the large Saiyan brute, Oren approached him, with the intention to kill.

(Play 1:02)

Oren's Silent Fury!


"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Oren screamed as he powered up.

Oren's friends were trying to keep themselves steady, as Oren's power caused the ground to shake!

"W-Whoa! Oren's power, it's awesome!" Ruby said in amazement.

Vegeta and Nappa were surprised by Oren's power. Vegeta's scouter started to read Oren's power level.

"Seven thousand! Eight thousand! No, t-this...This is impossible!" Vegeta said to himself.

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Oren screamed.

At that moment, the shaking stopped, and the rocks began to fall back towards the ground. Nappa quickly turned to his comrade.

"Vegeta? Vegeta! What the Hell wrong with you? Tell me what the scouter says about his power level!" Nappa asked.

Vegeta took off his scouter.

"IT'S OVER EIGHT THOUSAND!!" Vegeta yelled in anger before crushing the scouter.

"What?! Eight thousand! You gotta be kidding me! The damn thing must be broken or something!" Nappa yelled back.

"You're both dead! And I doubt I'll have to use the Kaio-ken against you!" Oren said.

Vegeta's head rose up when he heard Oren.

"Kaio-ken?" Vegeta muttered.

Nappa then started charging towards Oren.


As his arms were about to make contact with Oren, he disappeared! Just then, Oren reappeared behind Nappa, and kicked him in the back of the head! The large Saiyan fell down face first in the dirt.

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