Chapter 11: Battle of Brothers!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren had finally arrived onto the battlefield in time to save his friends from Nappa's rampage. Enraged at what Nappa had done to his friends, Oren unleashed his power upon the Saiyan invader. As Oren's assault on Nappa continued, the larger Saiyan was growing more and more infuriated. The large Saiyan was enraged that Vegeta's weakling of a brother was stronger than he was. Nappa's anger almost got the better of him, when Vegeta told the large brute to calm himself. After calming himself down, Nappa unleashed his strongest attack towards Oren, who countered it with a Kamehameha. Vegeta Ordered Nappa to stand down, so he could deal with his younger brother. Irritated, Nappa decided to attack Oren's friends! Oren then quickly demonstrated the power of Kaio-Ken, and permanently paralyzed the large Saiyan! Seeing that Nappa was of no use anymore, Vegeta killed his comrade! Oren then told his friends to fly back to Beacon, while he directed Vegeta to another location to commence their fight. Will Oren be able to defeat his brother?

(Play 1:02)

Battle of Brothers!


Oren and Vegeta had been flying for a while, trying to find a location away from any human or faunus population. Until they made their way to a large canyon.

'Alright, this should be a good spot. There's no people or any animals around, so we should be just fine.' Oren thought to himself.

Oren landed onto a small rocky hill, while Vegeta landed onto a rock pillar formation. Vegeta looked around the landscape, and gave a throat chuckle.

"An odd choice of location to commence our fight." Vegeta said.

Oren didn't answer.

"You should consider yourself lucky, it's not everyday that a low class warrior has the opportunity to fight an elite like myself. Then again, it's not everyday I have the chance to fight my little brother." Vegeta said, with a slight smile on his face.

"Not long after a Saiyan is born, their power levels are tested, and those who's score ranks the lowest are sent to backwater planet's like this one. But it's rare for a child of royalty to be born with a power level of five. Normally, we'd kill them to not further shame the bloodline, but it seemed that our father saw something in you resembling our dearly departed mother. So he spared your life, and gave you his own personal space pod. If it were up to me, I'd have you gutted like a fish, and burned your corpse the day you were born." Vegeta said, cruelly smirking.

"And because of our fathers mercy, I was sent here to Remnant. I'm grateful for that. Besides..." Oren said.

Vegeta cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow.

"Even a low class warrior like myself can surpass an elite, if he puts his mind to it." Oren said.

Vegeta chuckled.

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