Chapter 4: The Training Begins!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren had entered the land of the dead, otherwise known as Otherworld to begin his training with King Kai, the ruler of the northern universe. But, before he could do that, he had to traverse the long and treacherous Snake Way. Back on Remnant, Piccolo along with Fasha, agreed to train Ruby to  further unlock her hidden potential. With the rest of the teams, they were told that they would receive training from Kami himself. Will our heroes be strong enough to stop the oncoming Saiyan invasion?

(Play 1:02)

The Training Begins!


Running, running, running. It seemed that Oren had been doing the same motion for who knows how long now. The others back on Remnant had already began their training, while he hasn't even started yet! Taking a quick breather, Oren looked onwards ahead of him to see if he was closer to the tail yet. Unfortunately; he wasn't.

"Aw man! I thought I'd be closer to the end by now!" Oren complained.

Ignoring the pleas from his two legs to stop, Oren continued onwards. He couldn't stop, if he stopped, then he would let down everyone he swore to protect, and he wouldn't let that happen.


Back atop Kami's lookout, the three teams were  training endlessly. Each member would partner with a member of the opposite team. Yang and Cardin trained together, as they were stronger than the rest, while Sun and Neptune trained with each other since they were considerably weaker than the rest. From the sidelines, Kami and Mr. Popo were watching their students with pride. If they both successfully trained Oren, then they can successfully train these young hunters in training.

"That, shall be enough for the day." Kami announced.

As the teams were going to the lodging area of the lookout, Weiss received a call from her scroll. Upon looking at the caller, she saw that it was from her younger brother, Whitely.

"Hello Whitely." Weiss greeted.

"Hello, sister." Whitely responded.

Ever since her sister's coup against Ironwood, with the aid of Oren and Penny. Weiss had made it her duty as an elder sibling to be around her younger brother. Ever since they were children, Weiss and Winter were almost inseparable. Both looked out for each other, and would always be there for one another. Unfortunately, it seemed as though they completely forgot about Whitely. Poor Whitely it seemed lived a lonely life from his family. Winter had forsaken the family company to join the military. Weiss wanted to be a huntress, which left poor Whitely by himself. It didn't help that his father wasn't there for his children either, or the fact that his mother had taken up the bottle and neglected her three children. On some occasions, their mother Willow would mistake Whitely for her husband Jacques, and in her drunken stupor, she would hurl bottles towards her young son. It wasn't until after Winters rebellion that the four Schnee's would spend more time with each other, like they should have been.

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