Chapter 5: Gravity Training!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

After his long journey on Snake Way, Oren had finally reached the home of King Kai! However, our young hero found out that the gravity on King Kai's planet, is ten times that on Remnant! Upon meeting King Kai, he revealed that the Saiyan's were four months away from Remnant! So in order for Oren to be ready for when they arrive, he'll have to train himself on moving more efficiently in ten times gravity. So King Kai told Oren to catch his pet monkey Bubbles as his first exorcise. Back on Remnant, Piccolo's harsh training continued, while Fasha trained herself to sense Ki without the use of a scouter. While this was happening, the other teams were training atop Kami's lookout, while being trained by Kami and Mr. Popo themselves. Will our heroes be able to stop the Saiyan's when they arrive?

(Play 1:02)

Gravity Training!


Oren was currently sitting on a bench outside King Kai's house while taking a break from catching King Kai's pet monkey Bubbles. While resting, Oren also happened to be eating most of King Kai's food supply! King Kai just looked on in amazement on how the teenager was gorging himself, and not being sick. After finishing, Oren patted his stomach.

"Whew, that hit the spot! It's not very tasty, but beggars can't be choosers." Oren said.

King Kai however looked annoyed.

"You know, you're eating most of MY food, the least you could do is show some respect!" King Kai yelled.

After his small spurt of anger, King Kai quickly composed himself.

"Alright, break time is over. Back to work." King Kai said.

Oren got up, and turned towards King Kai.

"Hey, King Kai. Don't you feel bored up here, this place is so tiny?" Oren asked.

King Kai gave a small chuckle and sighed.

"Ah youth. To the enlightened mind, this tiny planet holds a whole universe of many diversions. For example, I can contemplate a single blade of grass endlessly. Marvel at the vast endless sky. Peeing, for distance." King Kai explained.

Oren looked confused as King Kai explained all the possibilities one can do on his personal little planet.

"But, the new hobby I picked up, is driving around in this baby." King Kai said, gently patting his 1957 red Chevrolet.

Oren looked on as King Kai entered his car, then quickly proceeded to drive around his planet on a long thin road. After getting out of the automobile, King Kai turned towards Oren.

"Alright, back to monkey time! That is, if you changed your mind." King Kai said.

"Oh, I'm sticking this out. My friends are counting on me!" Oren said.

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