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On a far off planet, many lightyears away from Remnant, there stood a large military base. The military base also worked as a palace. On the highest tower of the base, stood a lone lizard humanoid figure. He wore purple armor, similar to that of Vegeta's, a long tail protruding from his backside, and two large black horns atop his head. He was currently holding a small glass of wine, while looking out a round dome shaped window, starring off into the deep endless void of space. A few moments later, the door to the room opened to reveal two more figures. Both of these individuals wore the same armor, only one of them was purple while the other was white. The first figure had teal colored skin, and green hair tied into a pony tail. He also wore a cape with his armor, signifying his symbol of power. The other was a morbidly obese pink skinned humanoid creature with spikes protruding from his head, and on his fat arms as well. Both had entered the room and bowed. The lizard humanoid took a small sip from his glass.

"Zarbon, Dodoria, report." The humanoid said with a soft, yet serious tone.

The teal skinned humanoid known as Zarbon stood up, and addressed his superior.

"Lord Frieza, we've found an interesting discovery." Zarbon said.

"Oh, and what might this discovery be exactly." The humanoid known as Frieza replied.

"It started when Fasha left unexpectedly. It appears that she landed on a distant planet far form your empire sire. A planet known as, Remnant." Zarbon said.

Frieza went to take another sip of wine, but stopped as Zarbon mentioned this planet Remnant.

'Strange? Our charts show nothing of this Remnant. Text's passed down from my ancestors mention that they had indeed ventured deep into that unknown region, and found no evidence of a planet known as Remnant.' Frieza thought to himself.

"So Fasha discovered a new planet has she. Well done." Freiza said.

"There's more sire." Zarbon continued.

"Her scouter's communicator picked up that she discovered seven powerful objects of great power." Zarbon explained.

Frieza slowly turned to look at Zarbon.

"And prey tell are these seven powerful objects?" Frieza asked.

"The natives of Remnant call these mystical artifacts, Dragon Balls. It's said that when all seven are gathered, you will be granted a single wish." Zarbon said.

Frieza's eyes lit up.

'A wish. A single wish of any kind? Maybe perhaps...' Freiza thought.

"However; there's also a problem." Zarbon said.

Frieza sighed.

"With situations like these, there always seems to be a problem. What is it?" Frieza asked.

"Fasha has betrayed us!" Zarbon said.

Frieza looked at Zarbon with a serious glare.

"Has she now?" Frieza asked.

Dodoria, the one next to Zarbon began to laugh.

"Heh, not sure if I should be glad or angry she's gone. Some of my boys kept talking about how they always wanted a piece of her, if ya know what I mean. Perhaps when we punish her for her treason, maybe I'll let my boys have some fun with her first." Dodoria said.

Zarbon gave an irritated sigh.

"Must you always speak such vile things in front of the Emperor." Zarbon said.

Dodoria began to laugh.

"What? We all thought about doing her at one point or another." Dodoria laughed, as the flaps underneath his neck flopped up and down.

"Enough! We'll deal with her at a later time." Frieza said.

"Yes sire!" Both Zarbon and Dodoria said.

"Is there anything else to report?" Frieza asked.

Zarbon was hesitant to continue, but he forced himself to speak.

"W-When we sent Vegeta and Nappa to wipe out Planet Karloth, it seems that they too listened in on Fasha's scouter. They wanted to kill Fasha for her treason, but they also wanted the Dragon Balls for themselves." Zarbon reported.

Frieza smirked slightly.

"So. The self appointed "King" Vegeta sought to take the Dragon Balls before me? Bold." Frieza slightly chuckled.

"W-Well sire, it seems that Fasha had aid from the Natives, and slew Nappa, and wounded Vegeta." zarbon said.

Frieza's eyes widened in surprise.

"Nappa? Dead? Really? That Saiyan was built like a machine, and yet he was felled? That's, almost impressive." Frieza mused.

Zarbon nervously looked at Dodoria, and continued.

"I-In the ensuing battle sire, the Dragon Balls were destroyed." Zarbon said, as he began to sweat.

Frieza gave a disappointed sigh. Then Zarbon spoke up once more.

"But there's still hope sire, Vegeta mentioned another planet called, Namek." Zarbon said.

"Namek? Why would Vegeta mention this planet?" Frieza asked.

"It seems that Remnant isn't the only planet to have Dragon Balls sire. Vegeta thinks that they're on this planet too." Zarbon said.

Frieza looked out his window and smirked.

"Gather the men, and prep the ship for take off. Set a course for Planet Namek, immediately!" Frieza ordered.

"Yes sir!" Zarbon and Dodoria said at the same time.

As both men left the room, Frieza stared out the window with a devilish smirk on his face.

"With these Dragon Balls, immortality will be mine! No longer shall I fear death, I shall rule the galaxy as Frieza, the immortal emperor! Oh ho ho ho!" Frieza said before laughing.

Frieza stared out the window, preparing himself for his next conquest.

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